The Human Stain


Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Georgie, it's over

Trying to con America again, Bush can't even convince his own people that Iraq can be won. He fails to see truth staring him in the face, preferring to believe he is on some type of mission from God. Consider his statement this morning at the US Naval Academy “This war is going to take many turns. And the enemy must be defeated on every battlefield. Yet the terrorists have made it clear that Iraq is the central front in their war against humanity. ” No one except Georgie really believes that Iraq is a battle of humanity against the forces of evil, this is not a religious crusade he has been picked to fight. We're fighting other people, insurgents, Iraqi's – not space aliens or the forces of Satan.

He's been conned by his own henchmen who have taken advantage of his feeble-mindedness and use him to further their own nefarious and wrong-headed goals. His mind continues to walk through some narrow corridor stretching for eternity and while the corridor has doors thru which he can exit, he doesn't know how to open them.
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Good for you General!

Finally, someone willing to stand up and state the obvious truth of what a vast majority of our countrymen believe to be America's honor and obligation. We do not torture.

Neocon fascists in the Bush cabal – take note.
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Automakers to
workers - “Screw you”

There has never been clearer proof of why the auto industry is in trouble. Exposing no belief in a philosophy of “we are in this together,” the executive ranks have treated the workers just like chumps again.

Take a look at Delphi Corporation. Delphi, with 34,000 hourly workers, was spun off by GM in 1999 and is their largest parts supplier. Their workers earn an average of $27/hr. and are being threatened with closure of the company unless they take a 55% cut in wages.

The unions are in an uproar – especially since Delphi filed a five part compensation plan, for approval by a bankruptcy judge, for 600 executives valued at $400 million. Delphi filed for bankruptcy protection on Oct. 8 with plans to emerge from bankruptcy in 2007. The executives apparently have realized that that the company will not make it and are planning to take care of themselves.

As part of their proposed five-part program, top exec's would receive a lump sum on the day Delphi is sold or emerges from bankruptcy. For instance, Delphi President and Chief Operating Officer Rodney O'Neal, 51, with an average annual salary of $1.2 million, would receive $2.8 million; vice chairman David B. Wohleen, 54, with an average annual salary of $890,000, would receive $2.2 million; chief financial officer Robert J. Dellinger, 44, with a $750,000 average annual salary, would receive $2 million.

GM just announced a restructuring designed to shed 30,000 workers last week. Ford will announce its major overhaul plans, including job cuts, in January.
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Message to Donald Rumsfeld

Think you need to talk to the President and the National Security Council. Did you know they are calling people in Iraq who don't have a legitimate gripe “insurgents.” They are actually saying there is an insurgency underway in Iraq. The “National Strategy For Victory in Iraq”, published today, is just full of references to insurgents who you said don't exist.

Remember when you had an epiphany and said “I think that you can have a legitimate insurgency in a country that has popular support and has a cohesiveness and has a legitimate gripe....These people don't have a legitimate gripe?

Don't they know you have re-defined who can be called an insurgent? Don't they know there is no insurgency in Iraq? Do you think they are guilty of revisionism? They need to listen to you more.
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Propaganda – America's way

Gee, guess if you get caught paying for government propaganda through the American mass media, you might as well try to pay off some foreign media to slant the news.

“As part of an information offensive in Iraq, the U.S. military is secretly paying Iraqi newspapers to publish stories written by American troops in an effort to burnish the image of the U.S. mission in Iraq.”

Weren't we bringing them democracy? Sounds more like communism or fascism.
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How about it NYT?

Maybe the Times should follow these also?
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What are they doing?

So, according to the thorough mental analysis performed by Chicago's Cardinal Francis George: a man who identifies himself as primarily gay and also wants to be a priest would be denied entry into the seminary, while a man who says he has received the calling for priesthood – while happening to be gay, would be admitted. “In other words," George said, "if one's self-identification as a 'gay man' is the most important component of a man's personality, he is not a candidate for Holy Orders.”

If you're a gay priest – that's bad? If you're a priest who's gay – that's good?

What about all the homosexuals who have and continue to serve in the priesthood? According to a priest in the Chicago Archdiocese, “In a nutshell it's OK to be homosexual as long as you don't think like a homosexual, talk like a homosexual, act like a homosexual, hang out with homosexuals, or go to places that are known to be hangouts of homosexuals.”

If you're a gay priest who does not abuse children is that good? What if you're not gay, but a pedophile – is that bad? What if you're a bishop who knowingly covers up for pedophiles by transferring them to unsuspecting parishes – is that bad? What if you're the Catholic Church and are actively dividing people from each other instead of uniting them – is that bad?

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the church is positioning these acts against gays in the clergy as a PR response to link with the abuse scandals. Problem is, there is no real data showing that homosexuality is linked to pedophilia.
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Looming failure

Condi says the training of Iraqi troops is going so swimmingly that the current level of U.S. forces in Iraq would not need to remain much longer. Ah, there are no clouds on our horizon.

Not everyone agrees with Rice's rosy assessment: "Saving Iraq will require the Bush administration to alter its fundamental goal in Iraq: a unified country. Iraq is an artificial country that has been held together over the years by the brute force of dictators. It is now being held together only by a foreign military. As that military exits, Iraq will break apart one way or another. In fact, with all of the armed factions policing parts of Iraq, the country already has a de facto partition."

No problem for the Bushies though. They will conduct a symbolic “pullout” of troops to help bolster Republican chances in the 2006 elections.

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Hypocrites and dopes

Well the saintly and compassionate Catholic Church has shamed it self again. Publishing their statement on banning those with “deep seated” gay tendencies from the priesthood, the document would also ban supporters of gay culture from entering the priesthood while saying that men who have "overcome" their homosexuality for at least three years would be accepted as priests.

So apparently the gays we already have in the priesthood are acceptable, but we don't want any new ones? Does “overcoming” their homosexuality mean the seminarians weren't caught in a homosexual act? Does it mean they have people vouch for them? Does it mean they swear on the Bible that no sinning occurred? What body of data came up with the three year time period? Who came up with this lunacy?

They just keep driving people away by appealing to an increasingly narrow and rigid base. Whatever happened to inclusion and respect for human dignity?
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Revisionism by Rumsfeld

Wow, after all the complaints by Bushies cabal that the war opponents were “trying to re-write” history and were guilty of vile “revisionism”, it turns out that Donald Rumsfeld is trying to re-write the English dictionary. He has just decided that after 2 ½ years of war in Iraq, the enemy insurgents will no longer be called insurgents. “This is a group of people who don't merit the word 'insurgency'. Saying “It was an epiphany,” the thought had came to him suddenly over the Thanksgiving weekend.

Apparently, the fact that an uprising by Iraqi citizens against the American troops occupying their country was given legitimacy by the Iraqi government, isn't helping the PR efforts underway to continue selling the war.

If the Bush cabal can't get any Americans to believe the government's policy, what better way to solve the problem than by re-defining it so it can be ignored? They firmly believe that the truth is what they say it is – regardless of the facts.
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Rather than trying to increase their audiences the honest way – by offering fare your consumers really want, the tele-phonies of the American Taliban want to continue subjecting all Americans to their unending bile.

Fighting against efforts by American consumers and families concerned about the spread of indecency on television, these Christo-fascists are fighting strongly desired cable regulation changes that would allow consumers to select individual channels rather than having to purchase “bundles.” Petrified of losing viewers, the potential for cable customers to select each individual channel they want to pay for is causing them to quake like Quakers. Wouldn't it be horrible if their viewership and membership rates were determined to be fraudulent after individual choice proved they were being shut off? Oh my, the Lord works in mysterious ways.

Right wing broadcasters like Falwell and Robertson are giving vivid proof to America that their crusades for “families” are nothing more than a sham and that their God is money. Hucksters all.
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Trot out the troops

Trying to quell the firestorm over continued allegations of torture and secret torture prisons, the Bushies have apparently instructed CIA Director Porter Goss to conduct his own little PR campaign.

Appearing for an interview this morning on ABC's Good Morning America, Goss stated “What we do does not come close to torture,” though declining to elaborate on the agency's interrogation techniques. In a duh statement he also enlightened anyone less than 3 years old - “Al Qaida leaders Bin Laden and al-Zarqawi haven't been found primarily because they don't want us to find them.”

Feel safer already.
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Not enough

Well boo hoo. With the crocodile tears being expended by Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham after pleading guilty to bribery charges of over $2.4M, one would think this is some extraordinary and commendable event on his part. It's nothing of the sort – rather it is just the latest pitiful chapter on why the public holds politicians and big business in such low regard. Cunningham accepted money, a Rolls Royce, yacht club fees, furniture among other items.

He took bribes from willing defense contractor crooks with promises of influence and/or votes on their behalf. He sold the US taxpayer down the river, staining honest and good working Americans who dutifully pay their taxes. The (10) year jail sentence handed down does not nearly recompense America for his crime.

Forgetting a Cunningham should be easy, the questions remain however as to the businesses that bribed him. Who from those companies are going to jail? Whoever it is, this will not stop similar slimy acts in the future. The only way to end this type of conduct is with a “one strike and you're out penalty.” This would take the form of loss of business with the US government FOREVER. No questions asked.

There will be more of these seedy revelations coming for the voters to endure as Cunningham is rolling over. Congress needs to be changed and citizens need to do it, after all - the US government is not the crooked influence peddlers and pol's.
Posted on The Human Stain

Monday, November 28, 2005

More terror coming

Once we bail from Iraq, incidents like this will ensure a civil war erupts:

Iraqi authorities have been torturing and abusing prisoners in jails across the country.
Torture and extrajudicial killings are rampant.
Sunni men are beaten, tortured and killed, then thrown on the side of the road or into rivers or left at morgues under fake names.

Shiites are behind the death squads and secret torture centers. "People are doing the same as Saddam's time and worse."

"Raids, arrests and torture are always there, and the government can't do anything to secure the country....Iraq used to have a dictator of mass graves, now we have the democracy of mass graves."
Many of the men in prison were taken without warrants.

Gen. William G. Webster, said that while militias were rumored to be involved in kidnappings and extrajudicial killings of Sunni men, weeding out militias that are among or pose as Iraqi forces was nearly impossible. It's difficult to know if a security officer's allegiance lies with his tribe or religious sect, he said.

Why did American blood get spilled if this country is no better than when Saddam was in power? Some democracy we gave them.
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We're not mercenaries

Georgie is proposing a novel idea to help him bail from Iraq. He's going to put US Air Force power in Iraq at the beck and call of the Iraqi's. According to Seymour Hersh in The New Yorker, the proposal is causing unease in the military. Concerned that the Iraqi's will “call in air strikes in order to snuff rivals, or other warlords, or to snuff members of your own sect and blame it on someone else" a senior military official also questioned “will some Iraqis be targeting on behalf of al-Qaida, or the insurgency, or the Iranians?"

American military – guns for hire?
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From the duh file

Fatter rear ends are causing many drug injections to miss their mark, requiring longer needles to reach buttock muscle, researchers said on Monday.
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No consistency

Gee, just a while ago Iran was a member of the “Axis of Evil.” Bush was saying they were enemies of freedom, they sponsor terror, they were arming to threaten the peace of the world, and they needed to kow-tow to the West regarding nuclear capability.

Now he needs them to help “secure Iraq after the Pentagon starts withdrawing troops.” In other words, he needs the Iranians so he can bail and leave the Iraqi's to their fate.

What happened to the rock certain “we will stay the course, we will accomplish the mission?”

He's flip flopping again.
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Not something to be proud of

“The United States is scheduled this week to witness its 1,000th execution since the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976.” As 997 people have been put to death since then, and five people in the US are slated for execution this week, it appears certain that the landmark will be eclipsed.

Will George be celebrating? He surely believes that all are guilty.
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Bush is not a king

According to Col. Larry Wilkerson, an aide of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, the ideas for how to handle foreign prisoners were generated in Cheney's office and by Rumsfeld's officials who believed that “the president of the United States is all-powerful, that as commander in chief, the president of the United States can do anything he damn well pleases,” Saying also that not only was Bush “too aloof, too distant from the details,” .... “underlings exploited Bush's detachment and made poor decisions.”

On Cheney, he stated, “Cheney must have sincerely believed that Iraq could be a spawning ground for new terror assaults, because otherwise I have to declare him a moron, an idiot or a nefarious bastard."

While currently a little distant from his former boss, “what Powell seems to be saying to me now is the president failed to discipline the process the way he should have and that the president is ultimately responsible for this whole mess.”

Wilkerson says he “has almost, but not quite, concluded that Cheney and others in the administration deliberately ignored evidence of bad intelligence and looked only at what supported their case for war.”

What a coincidence – that is also what most of America believes.
Posted on The Human Stain

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Revisionists extraordinaire

The lies never stop at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. In fact, they have been elevated to an art form never seen before. Not content with run of the mill revising, the Bushies now steal ideas from Democrats whom they called “spineless and traitorous” just days ago. The ideas are then cast as being the same as what we (Chimpies gang) were planning right along. The cabal now claims a Democratic Senator's withdrawal plan “is remarkably similar to its own.”

Maybe there are some pages missing in my dictionary and thesaurus, but neither one mentions that the words “withdrawal plan” mean “staying the course”, “honoring the troops”, fighting the terrorists there – so we don't have to fight them here”, “completing the mission”, “a dangerous illusion”, or “we can't leave – a civil war will break out.”

Making thimgs up as they go, the Bushies don't have a real plan. They are just like Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind, who when not knowing what to do says “I will think about it tomorrow, after all tomorrow is another day.”
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Living off misery

(data from Parade Magazine 11/27/05)
Ah, it's great to be a war planner. The rewards are quite lucrative – especially of you failed in your job. Let's see: former CIA Director Tenet has a $4 million deal to write a book. Everyone remembers “slam dunk” George who phonied up intelligence for Dick Cheney and Bush. Oh, Paul Wolfowitz, former Pentagon #2 and a neocon brownshirt, is now head of the World Bank and pulls down a $300,000,yr salary – tax free. Former US administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer who let $ billions get stolen, pulls in $40,000/speech and just got $100,000+ for a book he's writing.

In contrast, the grunts fighting and dying because of the scummy and fraudulent actions taken by those mentioned hardly get paid at all: privates $3,104/mo, corporals $3,637/mo, captains $6,373/mo. These salaries include $625/mo in combat pay.

It's the “Peter Principle” run-amok; screw up and get rich. Do your job and die.
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Keep dreaming

Sen. John Warner today urged that Bush go before the American public to explain his plan for the war in Iraq. Chimpie has been hiding from the public since last Tuesday at his ranch in Texas, watching erosion in whatever support he had left for his little adventure.

"I think it would be to Bush's advantage. It would bring him closer to the people, dispel some of the concern that, understandably, our people have about the loss of life and limb, the enormous cost of this war to the American public," Warner said.

What alternate reality does Warner live in? There is no way Bush can get “closer to the people” and eliminate concern Americans have for this fiasco. Iraq is illegitimate, it's bungled, and any chance Bush had to sway opinion to his side is over. Bush has NO credibility.

Oh, by the way, John – have you got to the bottom of the prisoner abuse scandals yet? Remember when you said you would not allow just lowly privates to take the blame? How's that coming?
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Emperor with no clothes

Bush is planning to speak at the US Naval Academy on Wednesday to discuss the “fight against terrorism.” Any bets on whether it will be another canned speech, whether it will continue to try linking Iraq with al Qaeda, or whether he will decry “cut and run” liberals who undermine the troops?

Well it seems that Bush can only speak to captive military audiences who would be under orders not to show disapproval. While seeming to approve of the President, their receptions for him are carefully staged show events with scripted questions and selective camera shots designed to show triumphant and unending support. They also may serve to bolster Bush's image of himself, he may actually believe these PR rallies represent the truth.

If not speaking to a controlled military audience can be seen appearing before hand picked “Stepford Wife” audiences who robotically believe the Leader's unthinking pronouncements as they will dutifully nod with approval, clapping, and cheering to his meaningless one-liners.

He will not speak to any other Americans as he knows they embody the true depth of feelings and beliefs about what a failure his presidency is. He's afraid of real citizens.
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Saturday, November 26, 2005

No laughing matter

Michael Brown is certainly a “laughingstock” as the British describe him in the Guardian. With incredible blindness and total disregard for reality, Brown has actually set up a consulting business to “market his expertise on coping with catastrophe.”

Hopefully he will comply with all applicable truth in advertising laws and inform his clients that following his expert advice may result in THEIR DEATH!

While this is pitiful, the greatest shame still has to be lain at Bush's feet - he hired Brown to be in charge of AMERICA's disaster preparedness. Not funny at all.
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An indication

Reading news reports from Crawford TX. this holiday, one would think that the “dueling protests” of war and anti-war supporters were evenly matched. Each viewpoint seemed to have been given the same weighting in the stories, however, once the size of the crowds is mentioned, a great disparity between opinions was revealed. While the numbers are not huge, the proportions are quite revealing.

Supporters of the war numbered approximately 12 people and anti-war supporters numbered over 200. If one were to apply these number to the nation as a whole, which seems fair to do, the percentage of Americans against the war is well over 90%.

Any wonder why the Republicans are bailing on Bush?
Posted on the Human Stain


The US military is now admitting that the reports of soldiers burning two dead Taliban bodies in Afghanistan are true. The four US servicemen face disciplinary action but will not be charged because they “were burning the bodies for hygienic reasons.” Ya right! How does the military explain the “American soldiers setting fire to the bodies and then boasting about the act on loudspeakers to taunt insurgents suspected to be hiding in a nearby village?

If it was done for hygienic reasons and if the soldiers knew very well the Geneva conventions prohibit burning bodies, then there would not be any reason for the loudspeakers. Was the act committed with full knowledge of Islam's ban on cremation and the desecration it implies? Could it have been done ,deliberately, to incite the enemy? Based upon their recent coverups, the military has a lot of skeptics to convince.

Americans are supposed to conduct themselves to a higher – not lower moral standard.
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Friday, November 25, 2005

Worthy recipient

This link is pretty strident - but the rabid vampiress, Coulter, deserves it and then some.
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Say What???

Congress Helps Self to $3,100 Pay Raise
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How to explain this?

Creationists must be having apoplexy. If the earth is only 10,000 years old as they claim, how can ice core samples be 650,000 years old. Oh my!

Intelligent design adherents claim that there are phenomena that natural selection cannot explain, such as the existence of complex systems like the human eye, or a process such as blood clotting. If it's unexplained, it must then be accepted that an intelligent designer was responsible.

What balderdash! These people are just the latest examples of the “flat earth” believers who claimed the world couldn't be round. They are also like the scared and dull witted members of the Catholic Church in the middle ages who persecuted Galileo when he proved the earth was not the center of the universe and like those who believe that men could not have landed on the moon.

Because we currently cannot explain everything in the universe doesn't mean you are supposed to throw up your hands and just assume that GOD did it. It means we have to learn more so that each unknown can be explained. Intelligent Design is just simplistic drivel for people who don't want to think.
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A coming horror?

With the talk of withdrawal from Iraq increasingly gaining credence, many people are forecasting a very difficult and dangerous state of life in that country afterwards. Some excerpts from an interview James Fallows had with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Nov 24, 2005.

TONY JONES: So what does that mean if, for example, a large number of American troops were to withdraw tomorrow? What would happen? JAMES FALLOWS: Well, if the US were to withdraw tomorrow, essentially there'd be no security force in Iraq. Now, the American commanders will point out to you, and will be right, when they say that things have been getting better in the last six to eight months. There are new training techniques, Iraqis are not defecting in the same way they did a year ago. The problem is the confrontation. The insurgency they need to deal with has been getting worse and getting worse faster than they have been getting better. So the gap is increasing.
TONY JONES: It's an incredible story, though, because you would think, given the evident importance of developing the military and the police force, that enormous resources and critical resources would have been put into that effort, and yet that seems not to have happened right from the beginning? JAMES FALLOWS: Well, you would think that. And I think right in the beginning there was a problem because there were these expectations from the Administration that everything would be easy. So, that was for the first couple of months. They just were just not prepared. Then for a next couple of months, there was something which, in retrospect, looks very damaging, which is the hunt for Saddam Hussein himself, or for his WMD, which meant breaking indoors, rounding up people, sending them to prison and interrogating them, which put up ill-will in Iraq which helped fuel the insurgency. And, then, by the time the insurgency was under way and the US started to notice this, it took a while to get going. And it's only been in the last six or eight months there's been serious attention from the US side.
TONY JONES: Now, do you get the sense - looking at this big picture - do you get the sense that, in fact, the seriousness of the training effort has, in fact, started too late? JAMES FALLOWS: Certainly way later than it should have and whether it's too late is still to be determined. But I think what you can say now about almost everything in Iraq is while the future outcome is not perfectly knowable, the trends, at this moment, are not positive. TONY JONES: Well, what does this mean in terms of getting out - as the Americans like to say - of Iraq, "with honour"? How can it be done? JAMES FALLOWS: Let me say that in my entire political and journalistic life this is the hardest question I've come across, because I think there are no acceptable answers. The United States simply cannot stay there indefinitely. Partly because whoever follows George Bush will be elected on an out-of-Iraq platform. That just seems to be a certainty. And if it will take years and years to train an Iraqi force, it seems unlikely the US can make that kind of commitment. On the other hand, we can't just leave. I mean, the United States took over this country, it would be leaving behind ethnic warfare. So, unless there is some sudden change of trend that means the Iraqis are able to contain things, we have two unacceptable alternatives.
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The Times OnLine has succinctly summed up the current situation facing western nations regarding withdrawal from Iraq.... “But senior officials are considering the possibility of gradually slithering out, so to speak, if not formally pulling out, as provinces are handed over to Iraqi security.”

Guess “staying the course” and “honoring the troops” was just brownshirt talk after all.
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Under attack

America is under attack again – not by terrorists. No, we will have a 30 day campaign to endure as the Christo-fascist knuckledraggers create another phony issue to whip up their base of crazies.

Please, just go away.
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Looks like the smell of burnt toast will soon be filling the air in Washington's corridors of power. The halls of Congress will be in turmoil for the remainder of Chimpies term. Nothing will get done – but then nothing of benefit to America would have happened anyways. Couldn't happen to a nicer or more deserving bunch.
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Losing Afghanistan

“Defeated” four years ago, the Taliban are staging a slow but steady comeback. Assisted by al-Qaeda, the numbers of suicide bombings and attacks have killed 1,400 so far this year and are the highest since 2001. "We are very worried now," said one senior police officer in eastern Afghanistan. "The Taleban and al-Qaeda tactics are getting more threatening." One senior UN official said: "We never imagined we would still be talking about a Taleban insurgency four years on....We have got to admit the current approach is not working."

As usual, the official US line bears no resemblance to reality. "Security is getting better every day," is a line that frequently emerges from American "talking points." Last week, dear old SecDef Rummy was holding Afghanistan up as a model for Iraq, in terms of its progress. “Iraq is several years behind."

Well okay, that means we will not be leaving Iraq for many years to come with violence and American deaths never ending. Of course, this is what the neocon brownshirts like Rummy want.
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Cheney is a problem – but Bush is at fault

There seems to be an ever increasing chorus of voices that believe Cheney is on his way out. Whether it is because of health reasons, his increasing negatives with the public, or his rising ineffectiveness in achieving results, the trend seems to be evident.

While his departure cannot come a moment to soon, it will take years to repair the corrosive impact his presence has had on America and the world community. Forcefully implementing a radical policy of American imperialism abroad and his own brownshirt fascism domestically, he is a true human stain - surely to be regarded as despotic by history.

The reason that people have to endure Cheney's negative effects is not only a total abdication of responsibility towards America by Bush but also his amoral acquiescence in allowing Cheney's infectious policies to spread throughout the nation.

Bush had the power to stop Cheney and he didn't. Bush wanted the job of President, but he has acted like he had the job of official observer and cue card reader. He bears total blame for the horrific lasting effects Cheney has caused.
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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Religious intelligence?

With all the problems being endured by the Catholic Church, one would thing that the hierarchy might want to repair damaged relations with the faithful, strive to increase attendance, and reach out to the public at large. No, not the Archdiocese of Boston.

In an incredibly stupid display of blindness and hypocrisy, Archbishop O'Malley has stated he will not attend the yearly Christmas Dinner for Catholic Charities because it plans to honor the Mayor of Boston, Tom Menino. Catholic Charities said, ''The Mayor has been an advocate and an effective political leader, responding to the needs of the poor, immigrants, the elderly and children and families of all races, religions and ethnic communities in the city....For these many reasons we wish to acknowledge his leadership and thank him."

Well, the Archbishop apparently wilted under pressure from a group of Catholic Taliban, the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts, who threatened to boycott the dinner because Menino, as mayor to all of Boston – not just Catholics, is a supporter of abortion rights and same sex marriage. This group of “people” who supposedly support life, have no problem hurting the lives of the poor and disadvantaged.

Some Catholics had argued that O'Malley's boycott would only hurt the 150,000 needy people who are assisted by Catholic Charities every year. The capitulation by O'Malley shows him to be squarely aligned with the narrow elements of his flock and it erases any pretense to his being a man of god. Amazingly, at the same time, the Archbishop sent a letter to 300 parishes calling for all Catholics to join in eradicating prejudice against homosexuals. Doesn't he see the irony of acting in a prejudicial manner towards the mayor?

This is the type of religious idiocy that not only drives people away in droves, but it also gives religion a bad name.
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Got the Blues?

Link to an interesting map of the US that depicts Chimpie's approval ratings .
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Bob Woodward – Bush's stenographer

This is pitiful. Judy “kneepads” Miller was bad enough, but here we have a man with a reputation for “investigative reporting” that is without parallel, being exposed as a fraud. Apparently possessing no moral compass, he sat there, accepting the brownshirt pablum being fed to him, and then “reported” it as news. The acquiescence displayed in merely accepting what was stated to him without further verification is not “journalism” as he would like people to believe, it is a public relations function – just putting out a “point of view.” Why he can't tell the difference is extremely baffling - unless he didn't care and was complicit in their efforts.

His lack of conscience and shameful amorality has greatly contributed to the disaster in Iraq. Like the tarnished New York Times, he has blood on his hands.
Posted on The Human Stain

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Detroit automakers – management without vision

The game is blame the little guy. The unions have too many unrealistic demands, they won't take pay cuts, they won't reduce health care benefits, they won't work longer for less money, they won't cooperate with us – don't they realize we are in a global economy? Oh the poor executives at the automaker! The big three manufactures all have the same problems – but GM is currently in the spotlight. Thousands at GM and Ford are losing jobs. Sales are plummeting, it almost seems that a sea change has occurred and the industry is doomed. Detroit has to offer their incentive programs to maintain sales while the Japanese car makers are posting gains.

The real problem is that leadership at these companies has failed and has been for years. Rather than positioning themselves for changing consumer patterns, rather than doing some scenario planning to forecast possible future market conditions, rather than working to ensure the viability of the corporation for longer than the next dividend cycle, they have abdicated long term sense for short term financial gain. Pressuring Congress for exemptions from the fuel economy standards so they could continue to flood the markets with gas guzzling SUV's, they made more quick money. Rather than really invest in alternate fuel vehicles – they squandered the lead in this technology to the Japanese. Rather than offer the consumer a good car with high reliability, they have slacked off on quality with a resultant increase in customer dis-satisfaction.

Ford Motor's chairman and CEO Bill Ford, the only leader with some vision, is trying to position Ford for the coming hydrogen fuel revolution and is acting with more than lip service. His recent advocacy for a government tax breaks and incentives to encourage research and development into alternative fuels is off the mark. This is activity the automakers should have been concentrating on years ago – they didn't. So why do the taxpayers have to bail them out now? If the top management of these companies and their seemingly absent Boards of Directors were performing their fiduciary responsibilities, the companies would not be in this predicament and the working men and women would not be carrying an unfair burden.

The industry is on life support, but it is vital to our economy. Paraphrasing former Chrysler chairman Lee Iacocca – we can't be a great country if we are flipping burgers for each other.
Posted on The Human Stain

Secrets never keep long

Thinking they can just hoodwink the whole world, Bush's brownshirts will soon see that they're not so smart after all.
Posted on The Human Stain

The silence is deafening

Don't hear any of the false “patriotic” brownshirts in Georgie's cabal slandering the Pentagon or Condoleeza Rice or the Iraqi government or the British people or the Italians, or the Koreans or the Polish or the Danes as “cowards”. Don't hear them referred to as people who have “lost their backbones.” Don't hear them being castigated for “not honoring the troops”. They all want to leave Iraq and want to reduce troop levels in 2006. Sounds just like the plan being advocated by Rep Jack Murtha – doesn't it? Cheney, Rumsfeld - how come you're not calling these people out as the slime you believe them to be?

How silly – of course they're not being slandered, they are part of our gang. We only slander those who don't think like us – even though we now think like them.
Posted on The Human Stain

Pussies at the
New York Times

Reading this article from the New York Observer, it seems apparent that the reasons for the massive failure of the NYT to accurately report on the runup to the Iraq war, while many, can be boiled down to a few over-arching dilemmas.

First, the Times was under a lot of government and right wing journalistic pressure for their anti-administration line of reports during summer 2002. They became increasingly worried of being shut-off from access to high level government officials who provide the butter for the reporters bread. With realization that this fear may become true – they caved.

Second, then executive editor, Howell Raines had been insistent with staffers that they get “A.K.T” - an acronym meaning “all known thought”. Essentially, this enabled an opening of the floodgates – information poured into the paper for publication. The information was not properly vetted or investigated – just reported. This type of situation is ripe for a reporter “with sharp elbows” like Judy Miller to be positioned at the forefront of the publishing line. In other words, they were not performing journalism.

Third, the editors at the Times were intellectually lazy - “If anything, people were scared by her (Judy Miller's) stories,” a senior Times editor said. “They were complicated, and they dealt with this material that no one understood. They became controversial fast. The idea they just appeared in the paper is absurd. But maybe they didn’t get edited as well they should have.” This statement is an amazing abdication of responsibility.

As stated before on The Human Stain – the Times has blood on it's hands.
Posted on The Human Stain

Needed revolution

Craigslist founder Craig Newmark is about to launch an online journalism project copying his "wisdom of the masses" approach to classified advertising. "The big issue in the U.S. is that newspapers are afraid to talk truth to power.....The White House press corps don't speak the truth to power -- they are frightened to lose access they don't have anyway. ... The American public has lost a lot of trust in conventional newspaper mechanisms. Mechanisms are now being developed online to correct that."

Well let's see, Judy “Kneepads” Miller, Bob “Bendover” Woodward, Fox “Suckup” News Channel, Rush “Druggie” Limbaugh, Sean “Moron” Hannitty, Bill “Blowhard” O'Reilly – looks like Craig has it summed up pretty well.
Posted on The Human Stain

It's a miracle!!

All of a sudden the Iraqi defense forces have improved dramatically. According to US Secretary of State Rice “I do not think that American forces need to be there in the numbers that they are now because-- for very much longer-- because Iraqis are stepping up....This is not just a matter of training numbers of Iraqi forces, but actually seeing them hold territory.”

Wow, in two weeks they have accomplished what the previous two years could not. It's amazing, when the Iraqi government says they don't want you in their country anymore and when the majority of American citizens say they want us out of Iraq now – things “improve” quickly. Thanks Condi, we should have believed all you Bushies right along. Too bad the brownshirts had to sacrifice over two thousand lives to help improve Republican election chances in 2006, don't you think??
Posted on The Human Stain

China's bird flu

China has confirmed it's second death from avian bird flu. The female farmer first became ill with pneumonia like symptoms on November 11, and died on November 22. It was reported she had contact with sick and dead poultry.
Posted on The Human Stain

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Brownshirts

Very informative link here on the history of the Project for the New American Century. This group was founded in 1997 by the "Neoconservatives." Populated by people who are now in the highest levels of the Bush administration, they believe that America must lead the world. This actve and forceful policy (i.e. Iraq)causes irreparable harm to this country as they don't seem to realize a very basic fact - many other nations do not want to be "led" by American imperialism.
Posted on the Human Stain


The people who attacked us were trained and based in Afghanistan – not Iraq. Why have we forgotten the struggle there? The situation is getting worse - the Taliban and the opium drug warlords are becoming more powerful again. This job was never finished before Georgie started his little cowboy adventure in Iraq.
Posted on the human stainbin laden


Pass it on – We don't torture people at our secret torture prisons. Guess the Europeans don't believe us .

“We use unique investigation techniques......torture doesn't work” according to CIA Director Porter Goss – but why does Dick Head Cheney want it?
Posted on the human stain


Something to think about when we sit down for Thankgiving.
Posted on the Human Stain

It was about oil

With all the talk from the Bushies about the evil Saddam Hussein, the WMD's, the threats to his neighbors, the killing of his own people, the chance for Iraqi's to live in freedom.... It all comes down to “We want your oil and it's enormous profit potential

Your family members dying to make some lying dirtbag a few bucks.
Posted on The Human Stain


Americans endure painful humiliation when listening to the deadly stupid arguments being foisted upon us by our own brown shirt fascist – Dick Cheney. Essentially saying “torture is good”, he and the other chickenhawks in the neocon cabal are endangering the future of new American generations.

Continued administration denials of systematic torture are refuted here.
Posted on The Human Stain

Monday, November 21, 2005

Serving time

Well, it looks like the crooked Republican politicians will be meeting their cell mates real soon. The indictment train is gathering a head of steam and prison garb will look good on these betrayers of public trust. Lets hope for very, very long sentences and that they will meet some special friends in jail.
posted on The Human Stain

Liars and their lies

So let's see, there is a war to be conducted. The President has a cabinet full of officials like the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State who would actually be overseeing the war efforts on a daily basis. The President would have to rely upon them heavily for the war to succeed - especially the SecDef.

Well, it looks like Georgie was going to conduct this war all by himself. Donny Rumsfeld says "I didn't advocate invasion, I wasn't asked." Come on Donny, you can tell truth can't you?

You are one of the founders of the Neoconservatives who urged invasion of Iraq in 1998 You told your aides to start coming up with plans to invade Iraq right after the World Trade Center attack. You have wanted this from day one. Now you have it and it feels like a ten ton weight around your neck. Awww, too bad. Suffer.
posted on The Human Stain

More deferments

People never change. As a youth, Dick Cheney had “other priorities” that kept him out of the military, now he is squirming like a worm on a hook to stay out of jail. Fighting mightily to get the US Senate to allow an exemption for the CIA to torture people, he hopes that this will will help him when justice is served. Probably thinking of using a line like “Well, we had intended torture to be allowed only for the CIA – we can't be responsible for a few rogue soldiers who violate their orders” he can point to the law and hide behind it.

Unfortunately for him, he is already directly implicated in the authorization and instigation of torture. According to Col. Larry Wilkerson, a former top State Department official in the Bush Administration, "There's no question in my mind where the philosophical guidance and the flexibility in order to do so originated -- in the vice president of the United States' office....His implementer in this case was [Defense Secretary] Donald Rumsfeld and the Defense Department....the vice president had to cover this in order for it to happen and in order for Secretary Rumsfeld to feel as though he had freedom of action."
posted on The Human Stain


The following is an exchange this morning between Chis Wallace and Donald Rumsfeld on Fox News Sunday when talking about Rep. Jack Murtha:

CHRIS WALLACE: Mr. Secretary, here’s a decorated Vietnam veteran, generally speaking a hawk on military matters. What message does it send to you as the Secretary of Defense when you’ve lost Jack Murtha on Iraq?
DONALD RUMSFELD…We also have to understand that our words have effects, and put yourself in the shoes of a soldier who thinks that we’re going to pull out precipitously or immediately as some people have proposed. Obviously, they have to wonder whether what they’re doing makes sense if that’s the idea, if that’s the debate…The battle is here in the United States.

Yes, put yourself in the shoes of a soldier...they have to wonder why the Rumsfeld can't get them body armor, why they can't get armored Humvees, why they can't get more support troops, why they are told torture is okay, why they are imprisoned for torture when it was policy passed down thru Rumsfeld's office, why they “can't wage a war with the Army they want – only with the Army they have”, why their medical care is cut short by the government, why they are being forced to serve beyond their obligation due to stop loss policies, why Rumsfeld supports the idea the Rep. Murtha – a 37 year veteran of the Marines can be called a traitor and coward, and why their Secretary of Defense is such an ass.
Posted on The Human Stain

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The gift that keeps on giving

Eventually, all the lies come home to roost. More evidence documenting the manipulation of intelligence in the hyping of the Iraq war.

Calling all neocons – start singing or go to jail.
Posted on The Human Stain

Hello, anyone home?

In an unending march, evidence continues to mount the global warming is real and is increasing. The rest of the world seems to understand this, but here in the land of pseudo-science and Intelligent Design, we sit fat, dumb, and happy.

Maybe the Bush administration will protect America from this problem? Ummm – don't think so. Maybe they could develop some type of plan that would at least recognize the science behind these inexorable climate changes? Ummm – don't think so.

Maybe we won't make it.
Posted on The Human Stain

Another failure to protect US

Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt said this morning that the U.S. is unprepared for the next flu pandemic.

Part of the transcript from Meet the Press this morning:
“We're not as prepared as we need to be. We're better prepared today than we were yesterday. We'll be better prepared tomorrow. It's a continuum of preparation.” Huh?
“What we all learned from Katrina is that sometimes we have to think very clearly about the unthinkable, because the unthinkable often happens. There were lessons to be learned. That's just one of them.” Huh?
“I first want to make certain that we're clear that we will not have the capacity to produce 300 million doses of a vaccine for three to five years.. And consequently, very difficult, agonizingly tough decisions will need to be made, and so the plan actually develops a series, using outside panels of those who are involved in medical ethics and so forth, to say, "Here's how we would recommend it." Huh?
“Well, the federal government needs to respond in helping them (states and local communities) become prepared, but ultimately the preparation needs to result in the capacity for state and local governments to make their decisions, school communities, mayors determining whether parades need to--can occur.” Huh?

Quite re-assuring isn't it?

According to Dr. Michael Ryan of the World Health Organization, “Well, this is certainly a dangerous virus and it has crossed the species barrier now in 130 cases, and killed 67 of those unfortunate people. The disease itself has the potential, the avian flu strain has the potential to become a pandemic strain. It is very worrying that we see this virus transmitting across the species barrier into humans, and the virus itself is evolving, and we are probably closer to a pandemic at any time in the last 37 years since the last outbreak in '68.”

Some more here.
Posted on The Human Stain

Oops again

In a complete reversal of tone and language, Bush stated in China today that “People should feel comfortable about expressing their opinions about Iraq,” just three days after agreeing with Vice President Cheney that the critics were “reprehensible.”

Why the change? Maybe the fact he was in China, home of the old Red Menace, he thought better of where his underlings were taking the country with their tone of intolerance and incivility? Don't think so. Maybe he thought better of the symbolism of America criticizing China's repression of human rights while seeking to suppress free speech in his own country? Don't think so. Maybe he thought there might be a similarity between thought control in the land of Chairman Mao via the Little Red Book and thought control being voiced by his extremists in the American right wing media? Don't think so. Maybe Hu Jintao, the Chinese President took him to the woodshed and said America was not in a position to criticize China on human rights and religious freedom when America violates their own citizens' rights to fair trial and encourages the torturing of prisoners, violating the Geneva Convention? A POSSIBILITY.

MOST likely, he got information that the ill-advised slurs against American patriots were not playing well in Peoria. Politics got in the way of the personal smear attacks the Republicans are so fond of. That's the reason why.
Posted on The Human Stain

Same old, same old

Watching Donald Rumsfeld this morning on ABC's This Week, one couldn't help but think that we are stuck in time, doomed to keep repeating the same day, over and over, for eternity. Here was Rummy, repeating the same old and worn cliches, repeating the same old non-answers, using the same old implications that dissent from our line is harmful to the troops, while using the same old fatuous smiles and smirks.

Stating there will be no timetable for withdrawal from Iraq and that commander's assessments will determine when troop levels will be reduced, he uses his standard lies. If commander's assessments were important, we'd have more forces there, we'd have body armor for the troops, we'd have armored Humvees to protect them. If commander's assessments were important, we would never have gone into Iraq so unprepared and under-manned. The commander's assessments on troop reductions will take a miraculous turn as we get closer to the 2006 elections. You can be sure that for pure political reasons only, the administration will try to bolster Republican election chances by making a token reduction.

So, until they can gain some political advantage, the sons and daughters of America will continue to be sacrificed for.... what? The truth is, the Bush cabal does not want the war to end, that's why there is no stated plan for withdrawal. This administration wants to stay in the Middle East.
posted on The Human Stain

The real traitors and cowards

While the Bushies and their pretend codpiece front men foam at the mouth regarding how dissent from the party line in Iraq is hurting American security and the troops, it is instructive to remember who got this country into a mess that cannot be won. Not only is Iraq deemed a failure by the majority of Americans and the world community, it will be judged a fiasco by historians.

A disastrous monument to the imperialistic aims of a right wing group of false Americans, the “Neoconservatives”, Iraq is intended to be just a stepping stone in their plan to re-order the planet into their vision of what is good. The neocons founded The Project for the New American Century in 1997, funded by three foundations closely tied to Persian Gulf oil and weapons and defense industries. The PNAC web spinners issued a Statement of Principles outlining their plan where the United States, as the world's lone superpower would use military power to eliminate regimes in the Middle East and elsewhere that were not to the liking of U.S. corporation interests. Read on their website the document Rebuilding America’s Defenses. According to this document "The process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." Can anyone say World Trade Center? How convenient, this event has provided the needed justifications. The first leg of the PNAC imperialistic agenda was to secure the oil supply of the Middle East and in 1998 the PNAC was pressuring President Clinton to invade of Iraq. Clinton wisely resisted, but in George Bush, the brownshirts have found the malleable dufus they needed.

Nearly all of the top levels of the Bush White house Staff and civilian Pentagon offices have been or still are members of this fascist organization: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, I. Lewis Libby, Elliott Abrams, Paul Wolfowitz, and John Bolton. Also noted as members: Gary Bauer, William Bennett, William Kristol, Jeb Bush, and Steve Forbes.

Read more here, here, and here. See a movie here.

These chickenhawks are sending your kids to die. How about stopping their plans?
posted on the Human Stain

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Enduring horror of Iraq
Walter Reed Hospital

This what most Americans don't see, nor want to think about. Rep. John Murtha is well acquainted with these conditions as he visits the hospital every week. When did the Eva Braun of Ohio, Rep Jean Schmidt last visit? When did she serve?

With the chicken hawks clucking about how Iraq would be a cakewalk and with our jockstrap President proclaiming “mission accomplished”, someone forgot to tell the troops they would still get maimed for life.
All of the neo-con fascists in the Bushie cabal avoided military service: Chimpie hid in the Texas Air National Guard in the rich man's unit, Dick-Head Cheney had “other priorities” - one being not to get his ass blown off, so he stayed home too. Their war was to fight and make sure other people died – just don't ask them to do it. Now that they are still sending others to death in a noble cause – maybe they will offer up their kids for the “noble cause”.

Whadda you say, huh?
Posted on the Human Stain

How others see us

“Just days before his visit to China this weekend, US President George W. Bush has called on Beijing to pursue democratic reforms and open up the country. There's just one problem: throughout Asia, Bush has a massive credibility gap when it comes to human rights and freedom.”
Posted on The Human Stain


Guess our “strong coalition” in Iraq is showing some more cracks.
Posted on The Human Stain

Hidden war

This is the dirty secret in Iraq. For all of the harrumphing and spin being promulgated by the Bushies, the fact is whenever we leave, Iraq will descend into chaos. Any claims we make of providing Iraqi's the chance for democracy will be hollow lies and public relation lines trying to justify Georgie's ill-advised adventure. The Iraq civil war will continue for years until it cleanses their society, whatever we say we are doing will never work.

Why did over 2,000 American sons and daughters have to die in Iraq?
Posted on The Human Stain


Rounding up suspected terrorists in sweeps, beating detainees to death, torturing people to dehumanize them, and after four years release them due to INNOCENCE. This is the America we are - Dick Cheney's America.

What shame.
Posted on The Human Stain

Confidence misplaced

Would the death of an innocent man due to state sponsored execution in Texas cause any doubts about capital punishment? Would our President, stating when Governor of Texas "I'm confident that every person that has been put to death in Texas under my watch has been guilty of the crime charged, and has had full access to the courts", have any doubts about his actions? Don't count on it.

Sadly, having approved 131 executions in five years as Texas governor , his seeming disregard for life carries into the Presidency.
Posted on The Human Stain

Another example of petulence

If you don't believe like we do – too bad.
Posted on The Human Stain

Long on symbolism – but
no results

Bush is in China, trying to hide from his domestic fiasco and trying to bring home some goodies from a country that nearly owns us thanks to his shameful budgets and trade policies. Under pressure to show his policies are working, he is ready to crow that the Chinese are going to buy 70 Boeing aircraft.– this is proof we have an effective China policy. Oh boy! Since our trade deficit with China is expected to be over $200 billion this year, 70 planes mean what? Nothing. It's just amazing hypocrisy and spin – one company gets a fig leaf of business while Bush administration's failures result in shuttering hundreds of manufacturing enterprises.

The real laugher is his photo op going into a church in China. "Of course, it's Sunday so the president will want to worship," said Mike Green, Asian affairs director at the White House National Security Council. "But it's also important that the world see and that the Chinese people see that expression of faith is a good thing for a healthy and mature society," Mr Green said.

So this one act,which is really a bone for his Christo- brigade will cause the Chinese people to eagerly change overnight, throwing open their arms in acceptance of religious conservative values. Sure, just like the war will be over in days, there are WMD, and we will be welcomed as liberators. (Of course the hidden secret is - it has to be the expression of faith that Georgie's supporters say, religious freedom is only allowed if you believe as we do.)

Empty again.
Posted on The Human Stain

Hiding again

Chimpie continues to dress in his petticoat and hide behind the troops for protection from the majority of Americans who believe he's a failure. Apparently not really too concerned with coming up with a way to succeed in Iraq, he just keeps saying we'll “stay the course”, keeps accusing those of speaking out against his failed policies as cowards, keeps the death toll rising, keeps diminishing American strength throughout the world, and accepts his daily talking points from Rove and Cheney like a good puppy dog.

Good boy, good boy.
Posted on The Human stain

Keep speaking out

It appears an increasing number of mainstream religious leaders have had enough of the religious right and are speaking out against the extremism and hate mongering that they embody. The far right “Christians” no more represent the teachings of Jesus than “Intelligent Design” has anything to do with intelligence. These holier than thou imposter's are nothing more than our current day version of phony religious torturers and persecutors from the medieval ages. More sane and truly religious leaders from all faiths need to give voice to the true meaning of belief in GOD. As they do, these false religious front men for intolerance, bigotry, and financial greed will be exposed as the hypocrites they truly are.
posted on The Human Stain

Friday, November 18, 2005

Unexpected correctness

Charles Krauthhammer is a very conservative commentator who has carried a huge amount of water for the Bushies. While a reliable parrot for the administration talking points, he apparently does have a brain that sometimes sees through the fog towards real truth. He has written an opinion piece on the idiotic belief of Intelligent Design that is dead on accurate.

Posted on The Human Stain


Want to see how Bush and his crooked business cronies are screwing American workers and using slave labor to cash in on hurricane Katrina and other disaster reconstruction? Click here – a powerful and infuriating indictment of these business criminals and pimps.
Posted on The Human Stain

More patriots needed

Don't believe anything else needs to be added to the obvious.
Posted on The Human Stain

Slime needing expunging

The Republicans in the US House prove once again there is no depth to the level of depravity or disgusting behavior they will sink to in their efforts to cover up the conspiracy of lies and exaggerations committed tin starting the Iraq fiasco. The latest subhuman level reached was when Ohio's newest Eva Braun wannabe, Rep Jean Schmidt (a know nothing dufus), smeared the honorable US Rep John Murtha (decorated Vietnam war veteran, retired Marine Colonel, 37 year veteran of military service) as a coward. The saner elements of her party need to demand and force her to publicly apologize on the floor of the US House to Mr. Murtha. If she does not, it will firmly reveal her as the pus filled bag of excrement she now appears to be.
Updated - watch the video
Posted on The Human Stain

Who would Jesus torture?

Fill out the petition for submittal to your Congressman and US House Speaker Hastert. These morally reprehensible acts need to be stopped. Crusade for justice and honor.
Posted on The Human Stain

Deluded cretin

As he knows himself to be God- like and thinks nothing of torturing human beings, why wouldn't he also consider himself above the laws others must comply with. After all, laws are for “little people”, he's the omnipotent Dick-Head Cheney.
Posted on The Human Stain

Thursday, November 17, 2005

This won't go anywhere

Douglas Feith, a chief architect of the disaster in Iraq, certainly deserves to be investigated and ultimately prosecuted for helping to cause untold misery and death. As Undersecretary of Defense, Feith was intimately involved in the manipulation of intelligence of the Iraqi war. Feith and his minions also conducted secret, unlawful meetings with Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar, in Italy which credibly implicates them in the forged yellow cake document scandal. They are also implicated in hatching plans to incite civil unrest in Iran – a violation of US law. In February 2004, the Senate Select Intelligence Committee (SSCI), under the “leadership” of Sen. Pat Roberts, announced that it had agreed to expand its investigation of prewar Iraq intelligence from just intelligence errors to a more controversial arena - whether intelligence was exaggerated or twisted by government officials.

It is now November 2005 and the report on these activities is yet to appear. The reason is that the Pentagon and Feith are stonewalling, refusing to cooperate with investigators. The fearless Roberts won't compel any compliance because he spends too much time on his knees in front of the Bushies and apparently has his head caught in their rears also. Feith, having apparently left the government this past summer due to tea leave reading, is attempting to hide from the investigation.

The ranking Democrat on the Senate committee, Sen. Jay Rockefeller stated in October, “Some of these guys may have crossed the lines into illegalities. Can you imagine if during Iran-Contra the executive branch had said, Were not going to provide you any more information because one of your members suggested that one of our members may have acted illegally? In those days, neither Republicans nor Democrats would have stood for that for one minute.”

That was then – this is now. Under the disloyal leadership of a Bush suck up like Pat Roberts, you can be sure nothing that is truly due for prosecution will actually occur. The Republican mantra is not justice – it's coverup. Hope Kansas is proud of their man.
Posted on The Human Stain

Political slime again

Looks like Hillary Clinton was right – years ago, there is a vast right wing conspiracy.
The following is a portion of an address given by Bill Moyers to the annual convention of the Society of Environmental Journalists in Austin, Texas, on October 1, 2005:
“...My colleagues and I reported these stories again and again on my weekly PBS series, to the consternation of the president’s minions at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The CPB Chairman, Kenneth Tomlinson, turned the administration’s discomfort at embarrassing disclosures into a crusade to discredit our journalism. Tomlinson left the chairmanship this week, but the right-wing coup at public broadcasting is complete.....Sitting beside her (the new chairman) and Tomlinson on the board is another Bush appointee—also a partisan Republican activist— who was a charter member and chair of Newt Gingrich’s notorious political action committee, GOPAC. Reporting to them is the White House’s handpicked candidate to be president and chief executive officer of the CPB—a former co-chair of the Republican National Committee whose husband became PR director of the Chemical Manufacturers Association after he had helped the pesticide industry smear Rachel Carson for her classic work on the environment, Silent Spring. Mark my words: If this gang has anything to say about it, there will be no challenging journalism to come from public television while they are around; no investigative reporting on the environment; no reporting at all on conflicts of interest between government and big business; no naming of names.”

The conspiracy to screw Americans and rob America – brought to you by George Bush and Karl Rove. Can you feel the love?
Posted on The Human Stain

A child coming of age

It's amazing , they grow up so fast don't they? Secret prisons, equal opportunity torture centers, denials that will later be proven true. Just like proud parents the world over, we are pleased with our progeny. The lessons about democracy have really taken hold. Iraq is just like America now.
Posted on The Human Stain

Congressional disregard

Ah, the smell of burning rubber is in the air. As Congress rushes to get home for their annual holiday recess, it is proven once again how craven and self serving their interests are. While pulling away from the President and puffing themselves up with newly found backbones, they fail to perform sworn duties for Americans.
The avian bird flu cases are increasing in China and Asia while they stall needed funding to protect their countrymen.
Posted on The Human Stain