The Human Stain


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The silence is deafening

Don't hear any of the false “patriotic” brownshirts in Georgie's cabal slandering the Pentagon or Condoleeza Rice or the Iraqi government or the British people or the Italians, or the Koreans or the Polish or the Danes as “cowards”. Don't hear them referred to as people who have “lost their backbones.” Don't hear them being castigated for “not honoring the troops”. They all want to leave Iraq and want to reduce troop levels in 2006. Sounds just like the plan being advocated by Rep Jack Murtha – doesn't it? Cheney, Rumsfeld - how come you're not calling these people out as the slime you believe them to be?

How silly – of course they're not being slandered, they are part of our gang. We only slander those who don't think like us – even though we now think like them.
Posted on The Human Stain


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