The Human Stain


Monday, October 31, 2005

Blood flow continues

October, 2005 is the deadliest month in Iraq since January. This month, 90 US servicemen have been killed, raising the official Pentagon tally to 2,025 fatalities.

Monday, Marines backed by jets, attacked insurgent areas near Syria. Associated Press Television News (APTN) video showed residents anguished over the bodies of about six people at least three of them children.

"At least 20 innocent people were killed by the U.S. warplanes. Why are the Americans killing families? Where are the insurgents?'' one middle-aged man told APTN. "We don't see democracy. We just see destruction.''
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Cooked Evidence on Iraq

Americans know it was – the media is FINALLY starting to admit it also.
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“Pioneers and Rangers”

The crème de la crooks of Republican fund raisers in Ohio.

Part one of the four part investigation by The Toledo Blade:

"George Bush comes to Ohio and inherits that very powerful Republican infrastructure to help him, and John Kerry comes to Ohio and inherits a very weak Democrat infrastructure, said Mark Weaver, a Republican consultant who has worked on Ohio campaigns since 1990. In a race that was otherwise pretty much even, that was a factor. But now scandal is threatening the GOP machine - and money is at its roots. A Bush Pioneer, former Toledo-area coin dealer Tom Noe, was indicted last week on charges that included laundering money to Mr. Bush's re-election campaign. The scandal surrounding Mr. Noe led to criminal ethics convictions for Mr. Taft, now the governor, and two of his top aides."
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Bush to Americans – Screw you!

Chimpie has proved he's a divider not uniter. He's been goose-stepped by the American Taliban to nominate an extremist to the Supreme Court that meets their standards of repression and intolerance. You can be assured that if these clowns are for Alito, he will be bad for upholding American rights. The White House strategy of how to “spin” Alito is revealed in this copy of their talking points.

While holding out hope that Bush would see the light and try to nominate someone that Americans could get behind, the vast majority of citizens see once again how this guy doesn't give a damn about anyone but his narrow moneyed wingnut friends.

Bush has slapped America in the face – the Democrats now have a defining moment to cement their relations with average Americans. They must forcefully engage in this fight and people must get involved.
posted on The Human Stain

Sunday, October 30, 2005

“Pioneers and Rangers”

The crème de la crème of Republican fund raisers in Ohio.

“They were executives, lobbyists, evangelical Christians, political veterans and rookies, and a rare-coin dealer from Maumee. They bankrolled a president. Thirty Ohioans collected at least $4.1 million for George W. Bush's re-election campaign last year - exceeding Sen. John Kerry's entire take from the state. They raised $2.4 million more for the Republican National Committee. They have sat on crucial policy committees and won choice appointments. In the last five years, their firms have conducted more than a billion dollars of business with the state and the federal government.”

Over the next four days, The Toledo Blade will publish an investigative report on these crooks that may cause Georgie to get an upset tummy.
posted on The Human Stain

Oily friend problems

Senate Democrats have released a report Friday stating that a lack of US Treasury Department oversight contributed to the abuses in the Iraq oil-for-food program. A Texas company, Bayoil USA, was criminally indicted in April on charges it schemed to pay $37 million in secret kickbacks to Iraq in return for importing 200+ million barrels into the US. According to the report, Bayoil made at least $7.5 million on the deal. Asked for assistance by the UN in 2001 and 2002 to help track the shipments, the US Treasury Department never responded.

As we have recently seen during the Miers nomination fiasco, powerful friends from Texas really stick together – loyalty is their motto. Hmmm – Bayoil from Texas is owned by David Chalmers, Chalmers = big Republican contributor, Chalmers has been indicted for the scheme, major political donors and friends of the Bush family have paid kickbacks to Saddam Hussein for financial benefits ---- sounds like the Texas crowd is slimy on this one.

Allegations of US and British government complicity in the kickbacks
More US complicity
More Bush family involvement
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Iranian President crazy?

Currently embroiled in a dangerous situation with the world community over it's nuclear development program, Iran has strongly reinforced the arguments of critics who believe they pose a great threat. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recently said that Israel “should be wiped off the map.” Undaunted by the worldwide condemnation and the possibility of UN sanctions he recently joined demonstrators in chanting “Death to Israel... Death to America”

That irrationality not withstanding, Iran is beset by many strong political and social currents that violently oppose each other. The young are more likely to respond to the West, the old to religious leaders. More pragmatic political figures quietly work behind the scenes to repair damage from the President's statements. The alienation of citizens from the government is increasing.

“What Britain and other Western countries privately admit, however, is that sooner or later this opaque, bewildering nation will almost certainly have nuclear weapons. It is less likely to make reckless use of them than might be feared, but that is due more to its own internal checks and balances than any outside influence.”
posted on The Human Stain

Bush's critical Supreme court pick

A great deal of attention is being directed to Bush's choice for replacing Associate
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. This nomination will foretell which path
Bush's administration will take for the next 2 ½ years. Will it be
pragmatism in the middle of the political spectrum or will the Bushies buckle and be squeezed under the repressive thumbs of extremist loudmouths in their party? If he kowtows to the fundamentalist Taliban, there will surely be bruising fights in Congress cementing total failure for his remaining term along with increasing the margin of victory for the Democrats in 2006. If they decide to be sensible and be “uniters – not dividers” then the Bushies may salvage their reputations from history's wasteland of failures.

They haven't been too smart lately.
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Bird flu infection studies coming in

A report in last months New England Journal of Medicine has detailed a mystery regarding the known cases of avian flu in humans. The most glaring data in the report was the ages of people infected. The report looked at 41 confirmed cases and the ages of those infected ranged from 2 to 58. Of those cases, in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam the median age was 14, 22, and 14 respectively. The fatality rate in Thailand was 89 percent for children younger than 15. In total researchers have tallied 121 people being infected with bird flu in Southeast Asia and 62 have died. Children may be more highly susceptible to avian flu than adults.
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Bush – Cheney urged to come clean

Sen. Harry Reid, the US Senate Minority Leader, urged Bush and Cheney to apologize to the American people for the actions of I. Lewis Libby in the CIA leak case. Appearing on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Reid said “There has not been an apology to the American people for this obvious problem in the White House,” Bush and Cheney “should come clean with the American public" and also "This has gotten way out of hand, and the American people deserve better than this.”
posted on The Human Stain

US troops again cited for Afghan abuse

Two US soldiers have been charged with abuse of Afghan detainees who were being temporarily held at a forward operating base in the Uruzgan province. This comes as the US is trying to calm international outrage over the burning of Taliban bodies by our soldiers last week.

Just wondering, where are the results of the Senate Armed Services Committee investigation into abuse at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay prison that Senator John Warner promised America he would conduct? Warner stated his committee has a “solemn responsibility” to discover what went wrong and to "make sure it never, never happens again.” Another member of the committee, Senator Lindsey Graham stated “I think that's probably the core issue here is we just don't want a bunch of privates and sergeants to be the scapegoats.”

So – what's happening?
posted by The Human Stain

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Our good allies

“The controversy over yellowcake from Niger has ruined the credibility of the Bush Administration and is the proximate cause of the case involving Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and the leak of the name of CIA agent Valerie Plame. This investigative report from Italy's La Repubblica newspaper shows that Italy's government, 'burning with desire to score a win' with Washington, provided the false documents saying that Saddam had obtained large amounts of ‘yellowcake,' or unprocessed Uranium, from Niger.”
posted by The Human Stain

"Scooter" to the garbage heap

Don't know about anyone else, but I'm really sick of hearing this guy described as : I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby in news reports. What's wrong with Lewis Libby or I. Lewis Libby?
posted by The Human Stain

Dirt in Ohio

This leads directly to the White House and seems to be another tip of the iceberg ala Plame Gate. Money stolen from the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation that was then funneled through 24 different Republican supporters so that it could be contributed to the Bush-Cheney 2004 re-election campaign. Mr. Tom Noe raised over $100,000 for the campaign and was named a “pioneer” for his efforts. Pioneers then got special privileges and meetings with Bush – oh boy!

According to Rep. Chris Redfern, "Prosecutors have made it clear that President George Bush took dirty money from Tom Noe. In fact, this money may very well belong to the injured workers and small business people of Ohio."
posted by The Human Stain

British Opinion

Good article from the Independent Online about Bush's Watergate.

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NYT columnist John Tierney reveals again why his opinions merit no consideration. Suggesting that the Bushies leaks about Valerie Plame were not deliberate and nothing but “an accident” he insults homo sapiens possessing brains. Look at the facts John, read the indictment for crying out loud. He also states that "Still, the biggest losers so far in this case -- aside, of course, from Scooter Libby - are journalists. We've spent our careers assuring sources that we'll protect them....”

John, tell us - what type of journalistic “ethics” require you to protect criminal activity and provide cover for lies told to grand juries? Has he read his own papers internal standards? Don't they discuss how journalists can make agreements with their sources about protecting their anonymity but not at all costs? If the source were to act with bad faith by providing bad or damaging information that causes damage to the credibility of your news organization, then your agreement with the source is then voided. That's the policy of many newspapers and news organizations.

John, Miller's “heroic” stand was undertaken to protect the wrong-doer (Libby – a friend), not a vulnerable and weak source subject to retribution.

Look, Miller was a scribe for the neo-cons and their cause, she has lied, she is trying to squirm away by claiming to uphold the rights of the press to protect confidential sources. She's a sham and it doesn't take much to realize that.

Posted by The Human Stain

Congress of shame

On one side we have the Republicans who are totally captured by big business and monied interest groups. They have never encountered a crooked, greedy corporate interest that they weren't obsequious towards. Licking corporate boots is their slavish pleasure. The country, Americans? What are you talking about?

On the other side we have the Democrats. Like a band of timid little mice, once in awhile they will stick their heads out of the mouse hole and make a mad dash across the floor to run past the big Republican cat. They try to be very quiet because this cat is soooo big and soooo very mean. Isn't there one Dem who could assume the role of Mighty Mouse? Doesn't seem to be.

Lost in this tragic play is the average citizen. No representation by either party.

Why are they in office? Why were they elected? When are they going to work for America?

When will people get involved?
posted by The Human Stain

Flip Flopper

The bloom is certainly off the rose. Here we have the man of conviction, steadfastness, certainty flipping and then flopping on his nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

Consider his announcement of her nomination: “ I've spoken clearly to the American people about the qualities I look for in a Supreme Court Justice. A Justice must be a person of accomplishment and sound legal judgment. A Justice must be a person of fairness and unparalleled integrity. And a Justice must strictly apply the Constitution and laws of the United States, and not legislate from the bench. Once again, I considered a wide variety of distinguished Americans from different walks of life. And once again, one person stood out as exceptionally well suited to sit on the Highest Court of our nation. This morning, I'm proud to announce that I am nominating Harriet Ellan Miers to serve as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. For the past five years, Harriet Miers has served in critical roles in our nation's government, including one of the most important legal positions in the country, White House Counsel. She has devoted her life to the rule of law and the cause of justice. She will be an outstanding addition to the Supreme Court of the United States.”

Wow! Couldn't be more certain about her than that.

So where is she now? Bush caved to the ayatollahs of the religious right who want a sadist on the court along with their real goal - implementation of the nuclear option. Don't believe Bush or Miers' cover story that she withdrew because the Democrats were demanding documents from her time in the White House that would violate executive privilege.

He flopped and flipped like fish in a bucket.
posted by The Human Stain

Friday, October 28, 2005

It never ends

Ran across this article about, oh dear, the peccadilloes of Catholic Church priests and the coverups that are still being engaged in. They are just so blatant in their insincerity, the sickening ooze cannot be ignored.

Priests behaving badly
Church hierarchy guilty of hypocrisies
Dianne Williamson mailto:dwilliamson@telegram.com
T&G Staff

Unfortunately for the Rev. James J. Aquino, what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas. But what did happen in Vegas, and why should we care? Well, for starters, priests shouldn’t hide behind bishops and lawyers, bishops shouldn’t condone in private the same conduct they condemn in public, and the Catholic Church really should get its story straight when it comes to bad behavior.

If you believe Rev. Aquino’s extraordinary performance from the pulpit Monday night — remarkably, most of his parishioners seem to — he was an innocent victim of rogue Las Vegas cops who targeted him because he was a priest. “When they saw my license and saw I was a priest, they asked me if I was Catholic and I said, ‘Yes, I was,’ and that’s when the nightmare began,” he told hundreds of transfixed parishioners at Our Lady of Loreto Church.

If you believe Las Vegas vice squad detectives — unremarkably, the Nevada court seemed to — he was seen masturbating another man for approximately 30 minutes in a pornographic movie theater last October. “He essentially got caught up in a raid,” said Las Vegas Police Sgt. Chris Jones. “For a person in his position to be caught doing what he did is very embarrassing, so he’s displacing blame. For him to suggest he was targeted is ridiculous. He was caught red-handed. It’s not like we’re hard-pressed in Vegas for business when it comes to this stuff.”

Rev. Aquino asked his flock for forgiveness Monday night but spent most of his hastily arranged mea culpa blaming others, offering bizarre excuses and professing his innocence to adoring parishioners who accepted his account without question, perhaps because they’re weary of scandal or secretly relieved that no children were involved. I suppose you can’t blame them, but it’s downright weird the way some Catholics continue to drink the Kool-Aid and swallow the hypocrisy of the church hierarchy. Why a standing ovation for a priest accused of providing a hand job in a public place, a priest who, despite supporters’ praise for his “courage” in speaking out, only came forward when the story was all over the Internet and about to break in the local press?

Rev. Aquino was vacationing in Vegas last fall with his friend, Monsignor Louis P. Piermarini, when he told parishioners that he “wasn’t particularly feeling well one day” and went for a “very long” walk. As it happened, he ended up miles away in a “Super Store” with triple Xs in the window and porn inside. Minutes later, according to Rev. Aquino, he was confronted by two undercover vice squad detectives who, much to his surprise, said he was being detained. Missing from that account was that Rev. Aquino apparently paid $8 to enter a theater in the Super Store where pornographic movies are shown. Also missing is the fact that he gave a false Social Security number to police before eventually producing a driver’s license from his shoe, according to the authorities’ report.

Despite paperwork that clearly shows he bargained the charge of lewd conduct to a lesser offense and was ordered to perform community service and notify his bishop before the charges were dismissed 11 months later, Rev. Aquino and his lawyer spun a ludicrous account that a judge found him innocent. “Because I was a priest, I had to prove my innocence,” Rev. Aquino said. He then surrendered the microphone to his lawyer, Anthony A. Froio, who downplayed the charges as “just a citation … it had nothing to do with a minor. It sort of looks like a traffic citation, just a flimsy piece of paper you can hardly read.”

Sgt. Jones said the “flimsy” citation was a courtesy extended to Rev. Aquino, who faced arrest for the charges. “We actually cut him a break,” the sergeant said. “We felt because of who he was and the nonviolent nature of the offense, rather than take him to jail we’d extend him a courtesy.”

This week, a spokesman for Bishop Robert J. McManus said the bishop is taking the matter “very seriously.” Monday night, however, Rev. Aquino’s lawyer said the bishop “has been very supportive” of the priest and “hasn’t seen fit” to discipline him in any way. The bishop had also seen fit to sweep the charges under the rug, just as the Vatican deems that men who publicly show their homosexuality and reveal an attraction to the gay lifestyle should be refused admission to the clergy. I don’t know how much more public you can get than masturbating another man in a movie theater, but maybe the bishop has adopted a Clintonian view of sex. Or perhaps he’s had his hands full in the town of Westboro, where he swooped unannounced into St. Luke’s Catholic Church last month and took over the Mass after the priests of the parish stated publicly that they don’t support efforts to ban gay marriage.

I guess a bishop must set his own priorities, but it’s awfully sad that he enables one of his priests to dupe loyal parishioners from the pulpit, but comes down quickly on other priests who speak their conscience. And once again, the church continues to fault “clergy hate groups” for “spreading false accusations,”

Rev. Aquino told his parishioners. In Las Vegas, meanwhile, Sgt. Jones said he’s angry that Rev. Aquino is shifting the blame for his behavior onto police. “This priest clearly knows what he’s done,” said Sgt. Jones. “But rather than answer for it, he’s trying to push the blame on officers who are doing their jobs. His parishioners are obviously good people and want to believe him, but I’d urge them to step back, try to be a little objective and look at the facts. If they still believe him, well, I have to shake my head at that.”


The US government has invited three UN torture investigators to visit the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in an attempt to show “we have nothing to hide”. While stating that the investigators would be permitted to observe observations at the camp “and ask questions of the command, staff, and US officials who would accompany them”, according to a Pentagon spokesman – they would not be permitted to speak to any detainees.

Sounds like a dog and pony show - we don't really want to show them anything.

Trying for a makeover


The frustration is so great that even top Republicans like Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., are demanding answers from Big Oil.
“We need to make sure that there's no abuse in the current system,” he said. “We need to make sure there's full transparency, and if there's any price gouging, we need to cut it out.”

Bill Frist – concerned about Americans? Must be different from the Bill Frist who appears to be guilty of violating insider trading laws that harm Americans.

A good American

We need more men of principle like this.

NYT publisher still hiding info?

In a speech to the Online News Association, Arthur Sulzberger admitted that the NYT was “too slow” in correcting the erroneous coverage by Judith Miller about Iraq's supposed WMD program. Stating it was an “institutional failure.. we didn't own up to quickly enough” must be quite reassuring to the families of 2,000 DEAD American soldiers who lost their lives because the Times didn't do its job properly.

Sulzberger still hasn't given a good explanation of why. What is he afraid of ? It appears to Miller who must have information on complicity by the Times leadership. Did the Times profit from this somehow?

There is a lot more to this story.

Blogosphere – not hogosphere

Speaker of the US House, Dennis Hastert has just announced the start of his own blog. Saying this is “new to me”, Hastert reportedly started to explain how he never really cared too much for pork and was really a beef man, but his staff kept talking about the hogosphere so he really wanted to try some. Upon being told by an aide that the blogosphere wasn't related to eating in any way, he reportedly left and went to lunch.

It's not over

With todays' announcements by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald that indictments are only being made against Cheney's Chief of Staff Lewis Libby, many Bush sycophants are bellowing that these illegal acts have only been committed by a patriotic American seeking to fulfill a noble goal. What fantasy are they living in? To believe that the actions taken by Libby were not done without the consent and even instigation of Cheney and Bush is insulting to common sense and shows a total indifference to the rule of law and justice. What the indictment does reveal is a base corruption of power permeating the Bush administration that disregards American values. This crooked cabal stains all of us - aren't good Republicans sick of this gang yet? The only way to salvation for this country is to vote them out - get involved people.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Puppet man

Great article here from AlterNet theorizing that the scandals now embroiling Washington reveal two possibilities about Bush. Either he knew what was going on and was complicit in it – or he was totally out of the loop and people were operating behind his back. Both options reveal a person totally unsuited for the presidency. My opinion is that he is a script reader for moneyed interests, wants to play ball with his crooked friends, and doesn't really care too much for Americans.

Read here about Rove the king maker, George Schultz and others pulling strings, more here and here.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Bring back the draft

The Volunteer Army has been a boon for neo-conservatives, war mongers, defense contractors, and “security” companies (mercenaries). It has been a disaster for this country. Defenders of the volunteer army will no doubt argue that it provides great opportunities for those enlisting and it ensures that our armed forces are composed of people who want to be there. Sounds good, but on balance, it appears the negatives may outweigh any positives:

the negative effect on society that enables young people to avoid public service.
the provision of willing cannon fodder for cowboy adventures.
providing a refuge for scoundrels that allows them to justify continuing wars to “honor the troops”.
enabling a bypass of public resistance as average citizens have no skin in the game.
enabling a bypass of Congress as public outcries are minimized.
allowing for easier extolling of war supporters as “patriots” and the muzzling of dissent.
easing the ability of moneyed interests to play strategic political games.
enabling the well heeled to keep their offspring away from any heavy lifting for their country.
easing the votes of Reps and Senators as their children are safe from maiming and dying .
easing political concerns as fighting forces are made up of mostly minorities.

Administration hawks will say that the volunteer army is wonderful, more capable, more skilled than ever before – let's not go back to the bad old days of conscription when morale was poor. As the volunteer force was created after Vietnam: Nam = morale problem = connection? The volunteer army is the way policy makers can wage war without having to justify it to America's citizenry. It is the neo-cons carte blanche for ill conceived ideas and actions (witness Iraq).

Consider these statements by Melvin Laird in the Nov/Dec issue of Foreign Affairs:
“American soldiers will step up to the plate, and the American public will tolerate loss of life, if the conflict has worthy, achievable goals that are clearly espoused by the administration and if their leadership deals honestly with them. As the secretary of defense who ended the draft in 1972, I see no need to return to conscription. As long as service people -- current and future -- know where their president is leading them, the enlistments will follow”.

I takes truth and honesty to mobilize the American citizenry, but maybe PR slogans, lies, and phony pleas to patriotism are all that is required for utilizing the volunteer army.

Rep Charles Rangel introduced a bill in Jan, 2003 to reinstate the draft (it got nowhere) stating “I truly believe that those who make the decision and those who support the United States going into war would feel more readily the pain that's involved, the sacrifice that's involved, if they thought that the fighting force would include the affluent and those who historically have avoided this great responsibility. Those who love this country have a patriotic obligation to defend this country. For those who say the poor fight better, I say give the rich a chance." He's right.

More thoughts on the draft here, here, and here.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Bush tries yet again to raise support for this disastrous war by dishonoring the innocents killed in this fiasco. Speaking at a Joint Armed Forces Officer Wives' luncheon at Bolling Air Force Base today he stated “I know this is a trying time for our military spouses....We've lost some of our nation's finest men and women in the war on terror. And the best way to honor the sacrifice of our fallen troops is to complete the mission and lay the foundation of peace by spreading freedom" he exposes a total disregard for their deaths. Complete a mission that was flawed, based on lies, and led by incompetents? Not once has he admitted any mistakes, not once has there been an effort to modify strategy, he hasn't solved the armored Humvee shortages, he hasn't diminished the insurgency. There are some things he has done – cut veterans benefits, increased the ranks of terrorists, added to the insurgency, destroyed our relationships in most of the world.

All the nation gets from this guy is the same thick headed policies and sound bites that killed our brave countrymen. He's incapable of the job and needs to be removed from office.

Rice tries to mend a rift.

Canada's relationship with the US is more strained and combative than at any time in history. Irate over import duties being applied to Canadian goods, especially softwood lumber, that are in violation of NAFTA, the Canadian government believes America is ignoring the signed treaty, therefore they will now begin to expand trade with China. Canada has appealed the US actions under the signed NAFTA rules, and has won every ruling.

The Canadians may shift a significant portion of their trade, particularly oil to China. Believed to have the worlds second largest oil reserves, this would have very negative consequences for a nation unwilling to improve energy efficiencies or to develop alternative technologies. The State Department acknowledges that there is a “strategic advantage in getting oil from Canada...But petroleum is a fungible resource, and we are going to fill our energy needs from wherever we can get oil."

Rice has stated she will stress the positive relationship between the two countries and is “absolutely prepared to discuss" trade “but it is important to keep it in perspective." Translation – The US is the big guy, screw off.

Al-Jazeera to expand influence

Once criticized as a propaganda outlet for terrorists and middle east dictators, the al-Jazeera network will dramatically increase not only its respectability, but also its worldwide reach. Next year the network will launch an English speaking international version and has a stated goal to rival CNN and the BBC as the world's largest broadcaster.

Yesterday, the BBC confirmed it will close 10 of its World Service radio stations to enable funding for its own Arabic speaking television station. This is a powerful acknowledgment of the newly found but hard earned power accrued by al-Jazeera since its inception in 1996. The network was recently voted the fifth most influential brand – behind Apple and Google.

Ever since the attacks of Sept 11, 2001, the US government has accused al-Jazeera of “consistently lying... working in concert with terrorists...creating fake victims of US bombing attacks “and other sins.

Lets see now - Judy Miller and the NYT were shills for the US government, the Pentagon has created fake war heroes, the White House has lied about the pretexts for war.... other sins coming?

Galloway returns?

For political theater, George Galloway's appearance in May 2005, before the Senate Investigations Committee chaired by Sen. Norm Coleman was wonderfully entertaining. Here we had a rookie Senator from Minnesota who apparently thought he was going to strike the fear of God into Mr Galloway. At the hearings conclusion, it was apparent that Coleman had wet his pants like a little boy after being handed his head by Galloway during a blistering attack on the Coleman's “lick spittle Republican committee”. Galloway also made Coleman look like shades of another baseless, shameful Senator – Joseph McCarthy.

Mr. Galloway has been proven right by history regarding the phony runup to war and is adamant in his denial of any wrongdoing.

He is now being charged with profiteering from the Oil for Food Program, receiving payoffs from Saddam Hussein, and committing perjury in his Senate testimony. One of the main witnesses against Galloway is reported to be Tariq Aziz – the former Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq.

The hypocrisy and idiocy just oozes here. The Senate committee is relying on the testimony of a murderous maniac to try and nail Mr. Galloway.

Please tell me the US government is better than this.

It's Cheney.

The Plamegate trail leads directly to Cheney, why is this such a big revelation for many people? Cheney would naturally be the dark force behind the scenes. He apparently has known hatreds for leaks, dissension, Democrats, anyone he deems disloyal, gays, blacks, reporters, regulations, laws, government assistance to the needy, taxes on the wealthy, environmental regulations, corporate taxes, ..... the list goes on. He knew Wilson's commentary in the NYT looked bad for the administration and for the neo-cons who conned the nation into a phony war. This con was mainly his doing - he had to silence Wilson. He sent the scoundrels to do the dirty work.

Cheney's problem, now realized, is that he was siccing the dogs on someone who's his better.

Monday, October 24, 2005

What others write about us

It's often interesting to read what other countries publish regarding America:

Belfast Telegraph Digital - Ireland
“But Iraq has not worked out as Mr Libby, Mr Rove, Paul Wolfowitz and the rest of the war-mongers naively imagined. Two-and-a-half years on, America is bogged down in a conflict that has cost the lives of almost 2,000 of its soldiers, and the country its reputation across the entire Islamic world and beyond, and of which no end is in sight.
Belatedly, a moment of accounting has arrived. Not in the mind of a President who cannot admit mistakes, but in the agony of a great newspaper, in the re-opening of old battles within the administration - and in the conclusions of a special prosecutor from Illinois who right now has the most powerful men in the world waiting helpless. And, who knows, as a result of it all we may even learn why America went to war in March 2003.

The Frontier Post – Pakistan
"The American war in Iraq has nothing to do with democracy or terrorism; it is an attempt to re-colonize the region in order to seize control of its oil wealth and carry out its plans to extend U.S. imperialism. In such a scenario, Iraq's instability (it is more like a civil war) would spread and infect an already unstable region. If the Gulf region were to further destabilize, so too would the global economy, as oil prices would skyrocketed, putting the U.S. and many others into recession.
Bush's dilemma is that a loss in Iraq would besmirch his war presidency."

Spiegel Online – Germany
“Before November's election, then-US Secretary of State Colin Powell famously stated that "genocide has been committed" in Darfur. But acting isn't necessarily the best strategic interest for Washington -- especially with its army spread thin. Washington currently has 150,000 troops in Iraq, 18,000 in Afghanistan and, these days, the Bush administration fears any kind of deployment in Africa. Not one to disappoint, Bolton seems to have these fears in mind, too.The words he shared with the world in the years before becoming one of America's top diplomats may prove telling. "Our foreign policy should support American interests," Bolton once quipped. "Let the rest of the world support the rest of the world's interests.”

Poor Georgie

Oh my! It seems Georgie is in a funk. Sometimes angry, bitter, and frustrated, the President is upset because it appears the “big things” he wanted to do in his second term ain't gonna happen. Casting blame on everyone but himself, he's like a petulant little boy who can't get his way and thinks no one likes him. Oh my! It' so hard!, it's really hard! Don't worry though – Condi and Karen and Harriet have some cookies and warm milk to make you feel better.

Sen. Ted Stevens is a joke

Need any more proof of why Americans hold politicians in such low regard? People of Alaska should be embarassed by this bozo. People of America need to throw these jerks out of office.

Republicans screw America - and enjoy it

The Republican in Congress are proving once again they are slimy, heartless, owned by rich special interests, and will harm America without the slightest pause. Not only are they proposing to make cuts in programs for the poor and elderly (including Medicare and Medicaid), they are also planning to cut taxes for the wealthy - again!!

Democrats are adamantly opposed to these cuts – but the Republican undertakers will ram the bills thru. Why do they hate America? Why do they want to destroy this country? Do they ever use their brains rather than lining their wallets?

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid,- "I'm appealing to my colleagues in the majority, don't do this”.

More hypocrisy and mindless stupidity here, here, and here is special Tom Delay idiocy.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Ostrich doctrine

The Catholic Church has once more given proof to why the flocks continue to dwindle and why attracting new disciples is more difficult each year. The three week Synod of Bishops, which started on October 2nd has completed crafting a list of 50 recommendations for Pope Benedict.

Saying yes, there is a problem attracting new priests and acknowledging that sometimes Masses cannot be held for weeks or months due to the shortage, the bishops again reaffirmed celibacy. Apparently, they also didn't think that chasing gays from the church and not allowing women to become priests might cause some shortages too.

The low numbers of priests seemed to dominate discussions and a suggestion for allowing “married men of virtue” to be ordained was also summarily rejected. They did however have a wonderful idea to “call on Catholics to pray for new priests”. Wow – talk about taking action! Here was another bright idea from the Synod – let's share priests between dioceses.

The proposals are a "massive restatement" regarding the church's celibacy rule and other church traditions, according to Cardinal Pell of Australia.

Bush charged with torture crimes

In Canada, a gag order has been lifted that allows publication of all documention pertaining to the charges filed against President George Bush for violating sections of the Canadian Criminal Code that are pusuant to the United Nations Torture Convention. The seven charges filed against Bush are based upon torture events perpetrated by US forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Guantanamo Bay. If indicted, Bush would be protected by diplomatic immunity while in office, but once his term expires he'd be subject to arrest in Canada.

The next hearing is scheduled for November 25,2005. More here.

Lawyers Against the War, (LAW), is an international group of lawyers that supports the use of international law to solve disputes and protect rights.

The DNC response?

After Howard Dean appeared on ABC's This Week today, the RNC issued a snarky statement full of nothing but air. Dean was quite pointed and specific in his responses and apparently the RNC doesn't like truth.

Would be nice if the DNC issued the following:

“President Bush, leader of the thieving and lying Republicans, continues to display a troubling unwillingness and lack of capability to acknowledge that he had no real plan in Iraq and that his administration's incompetence has resulted in failures of epic proportions. Bush's belief that the Iraqi election approving their constitution is a significant positive milestone ignores the deadly reality and reveals he and his party are still focused on wishing something to be true – regardless of the facts staring them in face. Continually trying to justify the lies used to begin this war and the fiasco currently being witnessed is not positive progress, nor is it a plan to succeed, no matter how many times he tries to convince America of it.”

Enablers of death

Following up on a previous post regarding the Judy Miller and the NYT, it is very clear that they both have blood on their hands regarding their roles in reporting the WMD fiasco without verification, in hyping war hysteria, and in shilling for the Bush administration.

An increasing number of reports and reporters are expressing damning evidence of shoddy investigations and total abdication of journalistic responsibilities. The Times admits it didn't properly oversee Miller – nor did it verify her reports. Miller's co-workers state she should be fired, has sullied their institution, and has harmed journalistic integrity. Miller's claim that “all of us were wrong on WMD's” is not just laughable, it is a lie, and an insult to America – especially the families of the innocents killed in this travesty.

Unlike Cheney, Rumsfeld, and other amoral neo-cons who may view themselves fine in their mirrors each morning, one would think that Miller and the NYT have some type of conscience. Consider this strange statement by Miller - “"Those who need anonymity are not only the poor and the powerless, those whose lives or jobs might be in jeopardy if they speak up publicly, but even the powerful. All are entitled to anonymity if they are telling the truth ...." Huh? Seems like the powerful – if speaking the truth, would need no such protection. In Miller's world, powerful liars who send our young overseas as cannon fodder are accorded protection as anonymous sources. The real question is, was Miller complicit with the lies she shilled for – or was she so stupid that she gullibly scribed the lies without verification?

While saying they regret some of their actions, neither Miller nor the NYT has acknowledged how they helped enable the killings now occurring in Iraq. Here's hoping the cajones to do so exist within their psyches.

Bird flu – errors, distortions or lies?

The Los Angeles Times has a commentary this morning that states “Sure, it kills birds - but it won't kill you”. Author Wendy Orent, writes a factless article citing as justification, Peter Palese lab director at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Mr. Palese and his cohorts developed a technique called reverse genetic engineering to re-created the 1918 flu genes. The problem is there is no “beef” in her article to substantiate it's title. If one were to believe Ms. Orent, there is nothing to fear - the bird flu is wild hysteria.

Then why is all of Europe so worried??

Stealing elections

The current ballot initiatives in Ohio and California to take political redistricting out of politicians hands are long overdue actions that help ensure the integrity of the voting process. Their import is not to be denied, but in this age of electronic voting machines – manipulation of the vote count is the real danger. Until Americans can be assured that their vote will be counted as cast – we have much to worry about.
Many links here. Also see Diebolds's shady relationships.

Guest worker sham

Bush has announced that his guest worker program is being pushed again. Why now? While trying to tie the need for this program to homeland security and the battle against terrorism, the reality is a hidden agenda is of Latino outreach to increase Republican political inroads and one of currying more favor with business cronies by providing them a permanent low cost (slave) labor force. The proposal is nothing more than politics and how to maintain and increase Republican control.

Why do the Bushies hate Americans?

The Detroit Free Press reports that with the Pakistani earthquake disaster, America has an opportunity to repair its humanitarian image among Muslims. The US government has pledged an amount 66% larger than that initially pledged for the tsunami last year. So far, the US aid level for the tsunami has been $350 million and “its too early to say how much the government would pledge for quake relief” according to Bill Garvelink, a deputy assistant administrator with the U.S. Agency for International Development.
"We don't worry about how much it costs ... to do what needs to be done," .

It's nice to know we don't worry but how much it costs to help foreign nations whose citizens suffer from natural disasters – we just screw Americans out of aid and give fat contracts to politically connected “friends”.

More here, here, and here.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Full circle!

Plame considers suing White House.

Vietnam - coming into focus

two more years
ten more years
twelve more years

Former Secretary of Defense, Melvin R. Laird has an article in the Nov/Dec issue of Foreign Affairs magazine that while supportive of the Iraq War, notes similarities between mistakes being made in Iraq and those made in Vietnam.

“The United States should not let too many more weeks pass before it shows its confidence in the training of the Iraqi armed forces by withdrawing a few thousand US troops from the country. We owe it to the restive people back home to let them know there is an exit strategy, and, more important, we owe it to the Iraqi people.”

“Both the Vietnam War and the Iraq war were launched based on intelligence failures and possibly outright deception”

“Reports have already surfaced of skittish American soldiers shooting Iraqi civilians in acts that can only be attributed to poor training and discipline.....To stop abuses and mistakes by the rank and file, whether in the prisons or on the streets, heads must roll at much higher levels than they have thus far.”

“The minute we begin to deport prisoners to other nations where they can legally be tortured, when we hold people without charges or trial, when we move prisoners around to avoid the prying inspections of the Red Cross, when prisoners die inexplicably on our watch, we are on a slippery slope toward the inhumanity that we deplore.”

“The war in Iraq is not 'another Vietnam.' But it could become one if we continue to use Vietnam as a sound bite while ignoring its true lessons."

The only condition really separating it from Vietnam is that there is NO DRAFT. If there was, and the war supporters did not have their willing recruits, the invasion would never have begun.

Why does the Army hate the troops?

Things haven't gotten any better for the servicemen in Iraq. After the furor over the lack of properly armored Humvees and the assurances made by Rumsfeld and the Army that everything possible is being done to get vehicles to the troops – we have this travesty.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

PETA alert!!

Hope the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals take up this fight. Mrs Mallard and her ducklings Lack, Mack, Nack, Pack and Quack “are being politically exploited, it's just awful”.

Is there no low that politicians will not sink to?

What the.....

Following up on a previous Human Stain post, this Reuters article shows how aggressive the Bushies are in prosecuting Americans for fraud. Stating that, “billions of dollars in hurricane relief funds were at risk of being wasted or stolen”, federal prosecutors have arrived in New Orleans. According to Richard Skinner, inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security, already some $200 million to $300 million is being spent through Hurricane Katrina-related contracts and grants every day and the total bill could reach $200 billion, he said "What you have is a recipe for waste and abuse."

Why don't we care how our tax dollars are spent in Iraq? Are we paying off friends in Iraq?

Wrath of GOD

Hurricane Wilma is heading to Florida - GOD is really upset. The hurricane has been formed into the image of an unborn fetus as FL has abortion clinics. It also looks like a cinnamon swirl pastry as FL is inhabited by so many fat people. Others have seen the image of an elderly woman's wrinkled belly button that was caused by spending too much time in the FL sun. We also know FL has so many pagans, lesbians, and gays that GOD cannot ignore punishing this state any longer.

Pray for them.

What a dope

In responding to questions about the huge amount of domestic problems facing the country now Bush has said he will stay focused on his job and not on “some background noise”.

Well - isn't that special!

The background noise includes some minor things like the investigation into traitors in his administration, possible jail time for Rove, Cheney, Libby, and Rice, the indictment of top Republican leaders, the doomed nomination of Miers to the Supreme Court, the failures of FEMA and Homeland Security.......

“I can hear you; the rest of the world hears you," ... the crooked Bush administration and the Republicans that have defamed and humiliated America ....“will hear from all of us very soon”.

Too late again

The US is trying to limit the international damage caused by US military personnel being taped burning the bodies of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. Saying that the acts were “isolated incidents”, “the military immediately launched an investigation”, and “the perpetrators will be prosecuted according to military law” sounds just like responses to the scandals at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo – cover ups will be the official result. How about some real corrective action for a change? Destroy the culture of inhumanity condoned by extremists in the military and the Bush administration by firing or jailing them!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Does anyone remember World War II? Isn't this what the bad guys did in that war? What shame is being heaped on us by these acts!

Updated here.

Screwing up again

The Pentagon agency in charge of preventing fraud and abuse of the $140 billion being spent in Iraq “quietly left” the country over a year ago! There are no auditors overseeing how US taxpayer money is being spent. Meanwhile, Iraq has been judged the most corrupt country in the Middle East according to the Transparency International Global Corruption Report.

Your tax dollars being stolen while seniors, children, veterans, health care, the environment , ...... all go wanting.

Use your voice

“I hope Americans will realize that fear is the enemy of learning; it gives ignorance its power. Most of all, I hope Americans will not hesitate to voice their misgivings. Dissent isn’t disloyal, subservience is. With so many lives at stake, the greatest sedition could be our silence”

Reverend William Sloane Coffin

DVD consumer rights hero comes to U.S.

Jon Lech Johansen, who created a huge furor as a teenager has come to the U.S. for a challenging job offer.
US entertainment interests unsuccessfully tried prosecuting Johansen because of his genius at reliably finding software solutions to allow consumers free use of the copyrighted material that they have paid for – even when crippled by copy protection schemes. Johansen will start working on a secret project for MP3tunes.com which sells MP3 music without any copy protection.

This is great news for music and video consumers helping to enable escape from predatory entertainment companies. Why don't these idiots just give consumers what they want – channels to access individual songs at a reasonable price and the copy ability to bring them anywhere on any format they need to?

People die for Bush's LIES!!

Impeachment is not only needed, but is required to rectify the unnecessary deaths and the dishonor placed upon this country by a lying - criminal administration. Dead in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Iraq - dead citizens and military personnel – dead daughters, sons, wives, husbands - dead for no reasons other than lies, incompetence, and thievery.

Impeachment – formal charges of “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors” brought against the President, the Vice President, a Supreme Court justice, or any executive and judicial official.
“When a President commits treason, he exercises his executive powers, or uses information obtained by virtue of his executive powers, deliberately to aid an enemy. When a President is bribed, he exercises or offers to exercise his executive powers in exchange for corrupt gain. Both acts involve the criminal exercise of presidential powers, converting those awful powers into an instrument either of enemy interests or of purely personal gain. We believe that the critical, distinctive feature of treason and bribery is grossly derelict exercise of official power (or, in the case of bribery to obtain or retain office, gross criminality in the pursuit of official power). Non-indictable conduct might rise to this level. For example, a President might be properly impeached if, as a result of drunkenness, he recklessly and repeatedly misused executive authority.”

Bush lied to prosecutors on June 24, 2004 regarding the Plame Investigation, again committing an impeachable offense: “Perjury and obstructing justice can without doubt be impeachable offenses. A President who corruptly used the Federal Bureau of Investigation to obstruct an investigation would have criminally exercised his presidential powers. Moreover, covering up a crime furthers or aids the underlying crime. Thus a President who committed perjury to cover up his subordinates’ criminal exercise of executive authority would also have committed an impeachable offense.”

This is what Bush is supposed to uphold – he swore twice, with his hand on the Bible, to do so. He sullies our country and needs to be held accountable. U.S Constitution

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Poor Bill !!

Oh my, any civilized person feels empathy for someone who may be unfairly criticized, overwhelmed by life, burdened with huge responsibilities, or misunderstood by the public at large. Most people share a sense of community to their fellow man. Bill O'Reilly is not one of them. Lamenting and whining that he has to spend a huge amount of money to protect himself from evil would be worthy of empathy – if O'Reilly acted like a member of the human race.

As a self-absorbed spewer of hate, bile, contempt, and intolerance with no compunction or regrets about smearing, disparaging, or lying when upon his slime box – he deserves no sympathy.

Bill, you can't really think that you've done nothing wrong.


Tax breaks for the wealthy, tax breaks for oil companies, tax breaks for drug companies, no bid contracts for "friends"like Halliburton, phony electricity crises by Enron, insider trading scandals on Wall Street, prescription drug plan shams, veteran benefit cuts, environmental law rollbacks, poor national security ....... it never ends for the Republicans. 2006 will see the end begin.

Mad Cow is here!

There were (9) cases of the fatal brain wasting illness (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) reported in Idaho this year. Officials are investigating if the Idaho CJD cases were of the “sporadic” type which differ from the “variant”CJD cases causing 180 deaths in Britain and Europe in the 1990's. Normally, sporadic CJD occurs once per year in Idaho and over the last 20 years, the most reported was (3) in one year.

While the Bush administration has assured America our food supply safety procedures are working - do they deserve any trust? I mean, they are always so reliable and competent. Sure!

Read more – here, here, here, here, here, and here.

It may be advisable not to consume beef until the Bushies are out of office and Americans can be assured the truth.

Cheney resignation?

Rumors are flying in Washington that VP Cheney will resign and Bush will appoint Condoleeza Rice as the replacement. It appears the rumor is gaining traction and may well become fact. Cheney's health would also be a factor and Rice's recent refusals to suggestions she run in 2008 would be re-evaluated if she got the VP's job. Rice may be forced to run.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Harriet Miers – she's finished

With the recent revelation that copious notes exist of a teleconference conducted on Oct 3, by religious conservatives to discuss the Mier's nomination, it appears her chances of confirmation are gone. The call was moderated by the Rev. Donald Wildmon and was attended by 13 members of other conservative groups. These representatives of the American Taliban were given private assurances that Harriet Miers would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. You can be sure she will not get confirmation as the Dem's will have the notes and the Republicans will split on the vote. She's history.

Run Condi - run!!

Hopefully, people can console themselves. Yesterday on Meet The Press, Condi said she was not going to run for the Presidency in 2008. Tim Russert was so fawning and gushing, acting just like a little puppy dog, that one thought he was going to drop on all fours and lick the big black boots she proudly wears. It was really embarrassing to watch.

Her decision causes great sadness as it would be so much fun to hear her answer questions during the campaign:

Ms. Rice – why did you lie to the 9/11 Commission when you said “No one could have imagined them taking a plane, slamming it into the Pentagon, into the World Trade Center, using planes as a missile”? Are you saying the 9/11 commission, which documented a dozen intelligence reports (discussing planes as weapons), that were available to you before the Trade Center attack is wrong?

Ms. Rice – why did you say, in referring the Presidents Daily Briefing of Aug 6, 2001, that there was nothing in it about “the threat of attack in the US” when the title of the briefing was “Bin Laden determined to attack in the US”?

Ms. Rice – why did you hype the nuclear threat of Saddam Hussein as a prime reason to invade Iraq when you knew he possessed no such threat?

Ms. Rice – why do you continue to link Iraq with al Qaeda when it is well proven that no such linkage ever existed?

Ms. Rice – how do you reconcile the persistent rumors of your sexuality with being a member of a very conservative, intolerant, and apparently anti-gay administration?

Ms. Rice – when you were interviewed on Meet The Press on Oct 16, 2005 why did you admit “...when we were attacked on September 11, we had a choice to make. We could decide that the proximate cause was al-Qaeda and the people who flew those planes into buildings and, therefore, we would go after al-Qaeda and perhaps after the Taliban and then our work would be done and we would try to defend ourselves. Or we could take a bolder approach, which was to say that we had to go after the root causes of the kind of terrorism that was produced there, and that meant a different kind of Middle East.” This statement proves your previous assertions justifying the war in Iraq were lies. How do you respond to that?

Ms. Rice – do you feel any remorse that the deceitful actions undertaken by you and the administration to mislead and scare the American public regarding Iraq have resulted in death and maiming for tens of thousands?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Judy – give us a break!

The Times and Judy Miller have finally made statements. The tales are not the earth-shattering crescendos they hoped for and have actually raised more doubts about the veracity of their stories. From reading the reports, it seems the following assumptions are likely:

Miller and Libby met three times in the summer of 2003. At each of those meetings, they discussed Ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife. The notebook that she used to document her meetings with Libby contained the name “Valerie Flame”. Miller stated that she did not think she had gotten the name from Libby, saying she couldn't recall who gave her the name. Sure!! Here we have a top, hard hitting investigative reporter from the NYT that cannot remember who gave her a non-official cover CIA agents' name. Why was it in her Libby book? It's because Libby gave it to her, she still appears to be covering for him.

Libby wrote to Miller while she was in jail, "I believed a year ago, as now, that testimony by all will benefit all. ... The public report of every other reporter's testimony makes clear that they did not discuss Ms. Plame's name or identity with me." The Vice Presidents' Chief of Staff, Lewis Libby tried to influence Judy Miller's testimony.

In the summer of 2003, the CIA and White House were battling to shift responsibility for the Weapons of Mass Destruction fiasco. Since Miller, a pliable administration mouthpiece, was helpful to them before during the run up to war, she was contacted by Libby again. She would be used to help discredit Ambassador Joseph Wilson, his wife, and by association the CIA. Ambassador Wilson had contended that the White House manipulated and exaggerated intelligence regarding the Iraqi nuclear weapons program. Were Wilson to be believed, the main reason for invading Iraq would have been undercut, de-legitimizing all of the administration's reasons for the war. Judy also had a vested interest in discrediting Wilson. If what he said was true, her prior reporting, widely criticized, would be clearly viewed as bogus. Plame's identity was leaked by the White House to undercut her husband's credibility and Miller went along.

When reporting her meetings with Libby, Miller agreed to refer to her source (Libby) as a “former Hill staffer” rather than a “Senior Administration Official” as she had done previously. "I agreed to the new ground rules because I knew that Mr. Libby had once worked on Capitol Hill," Miller said. "I assumed Mr. Libby did not want the White House to be seen as attacking Mr. Wilson." Judy Miller entered into a conspiracy with Lewis Libby to further disguise his conversations about Valerie Plame.

During one of their two hour breakfast meetings in July 2003, two days after Wilson's opinion column had appeared in the Times, Libby "proceeded through a lengthy and sharp critique of Mr. Wilson and what Mr. Libby viewed as the CIA's backpedaling on the intelligence leading to war.” "Although I was interested primarily in my area of expertise — chemical and biological weapons — my notes show that Mr. Libby consistently steered our conversation back to the administration's nuclear claims," Miller wrote Sunday in The Times. “His main theme echoed that of other senior officials: that contrary to Mr. Wilson's criticism, the administration had had ample reason to be concerned about Iraq's nuclear capabilities based on the regime's history of weapons development, its use of unconventional weapons and fresh intelligence reports," she said. Judy Miller took this information and reported it – without any apparent fact checking. Miller did not do her job.

Let's not forget that Plame-Gate is just one part of the Miller saga, after the Iraqi invasion and the failed search for WMD's, Miller would find everyone else at fault – not herself. Being blind to truth and totally self-serving, she, more than any other reporter, pumped the WMD scares and intelligence reports from the Bushies and their lying Iraqi con-men. The hysteria amongst Americans and Congress was largely influenced by Miller's stories. Used by the government and also using them, Miller has blood on her hands.

So does the New York Times.

Kennedy on Avian Flu

Senator Ted Kennedy has written an opinion piece in the Boston Globe this morning on America's lack of preparedness to deal with Avian flu. We are woefully unprepared, other nations have had plans for years (i.e. Japan since 1997) and are ensuring a measure of safety far higher than the US. The WHO had requested nations stockpile enough medicine for 25% of their population, many did – months ago. Our government has enough for 2% and has fumbled the ball. While government efforts now are welcome, why didn't we have the foresight apparent in the rest of the world? Average citizens will again bear the hardships and risks caused by government inaction.

C-Span – make it more available

Currently, the availability of C-Span for cable viewers is limited due to its inclusion in higher priced option packages. Why isn't it in the basic option package on all cable systems? As cable captures 52% of the viewership in the US, there is still a sizable viewership over normal airwaves that would benefit from C-Span being available. Couldn't it be broadcast there also? C-Span is a non-profit public service set up by the cable industry.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Romanian flu outbreak – H5N1 confirmed!

Romanian officials have urged calm after quarantining an eastern area of their country due to an outbreak of the deadly H5N1 Avian flu strain. Migratory birds carry the strain and efforts are being made to limit their contact with poultry. Seems like an impossible task.

The money quote from a European health official is “Experts take the view that an influenza pandemic is inevitable and may be imminent”.

The 1918 flu pandemic, which killed more than 40 million people, was also believed to have originated in birds. This is quite disturbing.

Tamiflu vaccine patent holder Roche Labs has recently stated it will not allow others to make the vaccine – even though their production ability cannot meet anticipated needs. Nice to know they care about human life more than profits, isn’t it?

"Something has to be done,'' said Ira Longini, an Emory University professor whose computer model of a potential avian flu pandemic shows that an outbreak could be snuffed out within a month by rushing antiviral drugs to the place where it started. "When you think of the potential damage a pandemic flu could do, and how little drug we have, the situation is quite absurd.”

There is hope however as a major Indian drug company, Cipla, has announced it will rapidly start to produce a generic version of the vaccine.

“Right or wrong, we're going to commercialize and make oseltamivir," said Dr. Yusuf K. Hamied, chairman of Cipla of Bombay, using the drug's generic name and acknowledging that he might face a fight in the Indian courts with Roche, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant that holds the patent.

On the other hand, it is nice to know there really is a drug company that cares about human life.

George gets an A

Larisa Alexandrova has a nice article on The Huffington Post about all the great accomplishments George has made since being in office – check it out. To this I would add:

"I’m a uniter – not a divider" has proved the old adage – "There is a sucker born every minute".

"Bring it on" has helped killed untold thousands while allowing George to be a great President.

Much of the world – civilized or not, views us guardedly as imperialists.

Intelligent Design, endorsed by George, reveals that much of America is just plain stupid.

Hypocrisy has reached the highest level in recorded history.

Wag the Dog has left the closet to become official White House policy.

Efforts to destroy public higher education are succeeding – serfs will soon be available for George’s rich, crooked friends.

Everyone who voted for Bush is hanging their head in shame.

America's illegal propaganda?

Doubts continue to mount as to the authenticity of a July 9 dated letter, purportedly released from an al Qaeda leader to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi an Iraqi insurgency leader. American intelligence officials cannot explain the passages that lend credence to questions regarding whether the letter is an effort to bolster public opinion on Iraq.

Dissemination of covert propaganda by the government to the American people is a crime. Of course, this a pattern for the Bushies and Republicans.

Reuters has also reported that al Qaeda says it is a fake.