The Human Stain


Sunday, October 23, 2005

The DNC response?

After Howard Dean appeared on ABC's This Week today, the RNC issued a snarky statement full of nothing but air. Dean was quite pointed and specific in his responses and apparently the RNC doesn't like truth.

Would be nice if the DNC issued the following:

“President Bush, leader of the thieving and lying Republicans, continues to display a troubling unwillingness and lack of capability to acknowledge that he had no real plan in Iraq and that his administration's incompetence has resulted in failures of epic proportions. Bush's belief that the Iraqi election approving their constitution is a significant positive milestone ignores the deadly reality and reveals he and his party are still focused on wishing something to be true – regardless of the facts staring them in face. Continually trying to justify the lies used to begin this war and the fiasco currently being witnessed is not positive progress, nor is it a plan to succeed, no matter how many times he tries to convince America of it.”


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