It's Cheney.

The Plamegate trail leads directly to Cheney, why is this such a big revelation for many people? Cheney would naturally be the dark force behind the scenes. He apparently has known hatreds for leaks, dissension, Democrats, anyone he deems disloyal, gays, blacks, reporters, regulations, laws, government assistance to the needy, taxes on the wealthy, environmental regulations, corporate taxes, ..... the list goes on. He knew Wilson's commentary in the NYT looked bad for the administration and for the neo-cons who conned the nation into a phony war. This con was mainly his doing - he had to silence Wilson. He sent the scoundrels to do the dirty work.
Cheney's problem, now realized, is that he was siccing the dogs on someone who's his better.

The Plamegate trail leads directly to Cheney, why is this such a big revelation for many people? Cheney would naturally be the dark force behind the scenes. He apparently has known hatreds for leaks, dissension, Democrats, anyone he deems disloyal, gays, blacks, reporters, regulations, laws, government assistance to the needy, taxes on the wealthy, environmental regulations, corporate taxes, ..... the list goes on. He knew Wilson's commentary in the NYT looked bad for the administration and for the neo-cons who conned the nation into a phony war. This con was mainly his doing - he had to silence Wilson. He sent the scoundrels to do the dirty work.
Cheney's problem, now realized, is that he was siccing the dogs on someone who's his better.
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