The Human Stain


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Americans Need To Warn Bush

This headline from SFGate.com tells America all it needs to know about the miscreants in the White House:

Bush Warns Dems to Take Offer in Firings

Yes, you read that right - Bush Warns.....! Well, apparently there are no boundaries to the arrogance, hubris, and disregard that this group has displayed towards our country. Their disdain for our laws, our Constitution, and our way of life is a pitiful expression of the emptiness endemic within the bankrupt and criminal ideology they slavishly follow.

The last time I looked - Bush was not a king.
He is not my monarch.
He is not my ruler.
He is not my leader.
He is not my object of worship.

He is my employee.

His 'defiance' towards complying with the wishes of Congress are not for any high principle. They are not to protect the laws of our country. They are not to protect the rights of any executive branch employees.

His refusal to allow White House staff to testify under oath before Congress is ONLY to hide and coverup the criminal acts committed by members of his administration and the Rethuglican party who were being investigated by his US Attorneys. By his refusal, he is obstructing justice.

To the Democrats in Congress demanding testimony - you have America's full support.

To Bush - you have been warned.

Bring it on.
Posted on The Human Stain


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