Keep dreaming

Sen. John Warner today urged that Bush go before the American public to explain his plan for the war in Iraq. Chimpie has been hiding from the public since last Tuesday at his ranch in Texas, watching erosion in whatever support he had left for his little adventure.
"I think it would be to Bush's advantage. It would bring him closer to the people, dispel some of the concern that, understandably, our people have about the loss of life and limb, the enormous cost of this war to the American public," Warner said.
What alternate reality does Warner live in? There is no way Bush can get “closer to the people” and eliminate concern Americans have for this fiasco. Iraq is illegitimate, it's bungled, and any chance Bush had to sway opinion to his side is over. Bush has NO credibility.
Oh, by the way, John – have you got to the bottom of the prisoner abuse scandals yet? Remember when you said you would not allow just lowly privates to take the blame? How's that coming?
Posted on The Human Stain

Sen. John Warner today urged that Bush go before the American public to explain his plan for the war in Iraq. Chimpie has been hiding from the public since last Tuesday at his ranch in Texas, watching erosion in whatever support he had left for his little adventure.
"I think it would be to Bush's advantage. It would bring him closer to the people, dispel some of the concern that, understandably, our people have about the loss of life and limb, the enormous cost of this war to the American public," Warner said.
What alternate reality does Warner live in? There is no way Bush can get “closer to the people” and eliminate concern Americans have for this fiasco. Iraq is illegitimate, it's bungled, and any chance Bush had to sway opinion to his side is over. Bush has NO credibility.
Oh, by the way, John – have you got to the bottom of the prisoner abuse scandals yet? Remember when you said you would not allow just lowly privates to take the blame? How's that coming?
Posted on The Human Stain
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