No laughing matter

Michael Brown is certainly a “laughingstock” as the British describe him in the Guardian. With incredible blindness and total disregard for reality, Brown has actually set up a consulting business to “market his expertise on coping with catastrophe.”
Hopefully he will comply with all applicable truth in advertising laws and inform his clients that following his expert advice may result in THEIR DEATH!
While this is pitiful, the greatest shame still has to be lain at Bush's feet - he hired Brown to be in charge of AMERICA's disaster preparedness. Not funny at all.
Posted on the Human Stain

Michael Brown is certainly a “laughingstock” as the British describe him in the Guardian. With incredible blindness and total disregard for reality, Brown has actually set up a consulting business to “market his expertise on coping with catastrophe.”
Hopefully he will comply with all applicable truth in advertising laws and inform his clients that following his expert advice may result in THEIR DEATH!
While this is pitiful, the greatest shame still has to be lain at Bush's feet - he hired Brown to be in charge of AMERICA's disaster preparedness. Not funny at all.
Posted on the Human Stain
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