Same old, same old

Watching Donald Rumsfeld this morning on ABC's This Week, one couldn't help but think that we are stuck in time, doomed to keep repeating the same day, over and over, for eternity. Here was Rummy, repeating the same old and worn cliches, repeating the same old non-answers, using the same old implications that dissent from our line is harmful to the troops, while using the same old fatuous smiles and smirks.
Stating there will be no timetable for withdrawal from Iraq and that commander's assessments will determine when troop levels will be reduced, he uses his standard lies. If commander's assessments were important, we'd have more forces there, we'd have body armor for the troops, we'd have armored Humvees to protect them. If commander's assessments were important, we would never have gone into Iraq so unprepared and under-manned. The commander's assessments on troop reductions will take a miraculous turn as we get closer to the 2006 elections. You can be sure that for pure political reasons only, the administration will try to bolster Republican election chances by making a token reduction.
So, until they can gain some political advantage, the sons and daughters of America will continue to be sacrificed for.... what? The truth is, the Bush cabal does not want the war to end, that's why there is no stated plan for withdrawal. This administration wants to stay in the Middle East.
posted on The Human Stain

Watching Donald Rumsfeld this morning on ABC's This Week, one couldn't help but think that we are stuck in time, doomed to keep repeating the same day, over and over, for eternity. Here was Rummy, repeating the same old and worn cliches, repeating the same old non-answers, using the same old implications that dissent from our line is harmful to the troops, while using the same old fatuous smiles and smirks.
Stating there will be no timetable for withdrawal from Iraq and that commander's assessments will determine when troop levels will be reduced, he uses his standard lies. If commander's assessments were important, we'd have more forces there, we'd have body armor for the troops, we'd have armored Humvees to protect them. If commander's assessments were important, we would never have gone into Iraq so unprepared and under-manned. The commander's assessments on troop reductions will take a miraculous turn as we get closer to the 2006 elections. You can be sure that for pure political reasons only, the administration will try to bolster Republican election chances by making a token reduction.
So, until they can gain some political advantage, the sons and daughters of America will continue to be sacrificed for.... what? The truth is, the Bush cabal does not want the war to end, that's why there is no stated plan for withdrawal. This administration wants to stay in the Middle East.
posted on The Human Stain
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