The real traitors and cowards 
While the Bushies and their pretend codpiece front men foam at the mouth regarding how dissent from the party line in Iraq is hurting American security and the troops, it is instructive to remember who got this country into a mess that cannot be won. Not only is Iraq deemed a failure by the majority of Americans and the world community, it will be judged a fiasco by historians.
A disastrous monument to the imperialistic aims of a right wing group of false Americans, the “Neoconservatives”, Iraq is intended to be just a stepping stone in their plan to re-order the planet into their vision of what is good. The neocons founded The Project for the New American Century in 1997, funded by three foundations closely tied to Persian Gulf oil and weapons and defense industries. The PNAC web spinners issued a Statement of Principles outlining their plan where the United States, as the world's lone superpower would use military power to eliminate regimes in the Middle East and elsewhere that were not to the liking of U.S. corporation interests. Read on their website the document Rebuilding America’s Defenses. According to this document "The process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." Can anyone say World Trade Center? How convenient, this event has provided the needed justifications. The first leg of the PNAC imperialistic agenda was to secure the oil supply of the Middle East and in 1998 the PNAC was pressuring President Clinton to invade of Iraq. Clinton wisely resisted, but in George Bush, the brownshirts have found the malleable dufus they needed.
Nearly all of the top levels of the Bush White house Staff and civilian Pentagon offices have been or still are members of this fascist organization: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, I. Lewis Libby, Elliott Abrams, Paul Wolfowitz, and John Bolton. Also noted as members: Gary Bauer, William Bennett, William Kristol, Jeb Bush, and Steve Forbes.
Read more here, here, and here. See a movie here.
These chickenhawks are sending your kids to die. How about stopping their plans?
posted on the Human Stain

While the Bushies and their pretend codpiece front men foam at the mouth regarding how dissent from the party line in Iraq is hurting American security and the troops, it is instructive to remember who got this country into a mess that cannot be won. Not only is Iraq deemed a failure by the majority of Americans and the world community, it will be judged a fiasco by historians.
A disastrous monument to the imperialistic aims of a right wing group of false Americans, the “Neoconservatives”, Iraq is intended to be just a stepping stone in their plan to re-order the planet into their vision of what is good. The neocons founded The Project for the New American Century in 1997, funded by three foundations closely tied to Persian Gulf oil and weapons and defense industries. The PNAC web spinners issued a Statement of Principles outlining their plan where the United States, as the world's lone superpower would use military power to eliminate regimes in the Middle East and elsewhere that were not to the liking of U.S. corporation interests. Read on their website the document Rebuilding America’s Defenses. According to this document "The process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." Can anyone say World Trade Center? How convenient, this event has provided the needed justifications. The first leg of the PNAC imperialistic agenda was to secure the oil supply of the Middle East and in 1998 the PNAC was pressuring President Clinton to invade of Iraq. Clinton wisely resisted, but in George Bush, the brownshirts have found the malleable dufus they needed.
Nearly all of the top levels of the Bush White house Staff and civilian Pentagon offices have been or still are members of this fascist organization: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, I. Lewis Libby, Elliott Abrams, Paul Wolfowitz, and John Bolton. Also noted as members: Gary Bauer, William Bennett, William Kristol, Jeb Bush, and Steve Forbes.
Read more here, here, and here. See a movie here.
These chickenhawks are sending your kids to die. How about stopping their plans?
posted on the Human Stain
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