The Human Stain


Monday, November 21, 2005


The following is an exchange this morning between Chis Wallace and Donald Rumsfeld on Fox News Sunday when talking about Rep. Jack Murtha:

CHRIS WALLACE: Mr. Secretary, here’s a decorated Vietnam veteran, generally speaking a hawk on military matters. What message does it send to you as the Secretary of Defense when you’ve lost Jack Murtha on Iraq?
DONALD RUMSFELD…We also have to understand that our words have effects, and put yourself in the shoes of a soldier who thinks that we’re going to pull out precipitously or immediately as some people have proposed. Obviously, they have to wonder whether what they’re doing makes sense if that’s the idea, if that’s the debate…The battle is here in the United States.

Yes, put yourself in the shoes of a soldier...they have to wonder why the Rumsfeld can't get them body armor, why they can't get armored Humvees, why they can't get more support troops, why they are told torture is okay, why they are imprisoned for torture when it was policy passed down thru Rumsfeld's office, why they “can't wage a war with the Army they want – only with the Army they have”, why their medical care is cut short by the government, why they are being forced to serve beyond their obligation due to stop loss policies, why Rumsfeld supports the idea the Rep. Murtha – a 37 year veteran of the Marines can be called a traitor and coward, and why their Secretary of Defense is such an ass.
Posted on The Human Stain


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