Bob Woodward – Bush's stenographer

This is pitiful. Judy “kneepads” Miller was bad enough, but here we have a man with a reputation for “investigative reporting” that is without parallel, being exposed as a fraud. Apparently possessing no moral compass, he sat there, accepting the brownshirt pablum being fed to him, and then “reported” it as news. The acquiescence displayed in merely accepting what was stated to him without further verification is not “journalism” as he would like people to believe, it is a public relations function – just putting out a “point of view.” Why he can't tell the difference is extremely baffling - unless he didn't care and was complicit in their efforts.
His lack of conscience and shameful amorality has greatly contributed to the disaster in Iraq. Like the tarnished New York Times, he has blood on his hands.
Posted on The Human Stain

This is pitiful. Judy “kneepads” Miller was bad enough, but here we have a man with a reputation for “investigative reporting” that is without parallel, being exposed as a fraud. Apparently possessing no moral compass, he sat there, accepting the brownshirt pablum being fed to him, and then “reported” it as news. The acquiescence displayed in merely accepting what was stated to him without further verification is not “journalism” as he would like people to believe, it is a public relations function – just putting out a “point of view.” Why he can't tell the difference is extremely baffling - unless he didn't care and was complicit in their efforts.
His lack of conscience and shameful amorality has greatly contributed to the disaster in Iraq. Like the tarnished New York Times, he has blood on his hands.
Posted on The Human Stain
Dear James: I think we have some things in common. I just blogged your latest post at Lucid Dreaming. I think you might really like this one, though:
by gregoryp(tm) aka Gregory Pleshaw, at 11/24/2005 3:56 PM
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