The Human Stain


Wednesday, November 30, 2005

What are they doing?

So, according to the thorough mental analysis performed by Chicago's Cardinal Francis George: a man who identifies himself as primarily gay and also wants to be a priest would be denied entry into the seminary, while a man who says he has received the calling for priesthood – while happening to be gay, would be admitted. “In other words," George said, "if one's self-identification as a 'gay man' is the most important component of a man's personality, he is not a candidate for Holy Orders.”

If you're a gay priest – that's bad? If you're a priest who's gay – that's good?

What about all the homosexuals who have and continue to serve in the priesthood? According to a priest in the Chicago Archdiocese, “In a nutshell it's OK to be homosexual as long as you don't think like a homosexual, talk like a homosexual, act like a homosexual, hang out with homosexuals, or go to places that are known to be hangouts of homosexuals.”

If you're a gay priest who does not abuse children is that good? What if you're not gay, but a pedophile – is that bad? What if you're a bishop who knowingly covers up for pedophiles by transferring them to unsuspecting parishes – is that bad? What if you're the Catholic Church and are actively dividing people from each other instead of uniting them – is that bad?

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the church is positioning these acts against gays in the clergy as a PR response to link with the abuse scandals. Problem is, there is no real data showing that homosexuality is linked to pedophilia.
Posted on The Human Stain


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