So What?

“I think it’s become in people’s minds an emblem of the administration that just isn’t as serious about the competent execution of the functions of government as it should be. And even — I’m struck talking to conservatives and Republicans — they agree with the president on basic political philosophy, the they agree with his basic policy agenda, but they are worried that they just don’t seem to be able to execute as well as they should be.”
While it is nice to see that some of the Kool-Aid drinkers are kicking the habit, it seems Kristol is pulling a 'flip-flop' maneuver to distance himself from Bush's sinking Bismark. Kristol is not anyone to admire as he is one of the founding neo-con chickenhawks from the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) that have loudly and proudly trumpeted the Iraq fiasco and seem to have no compunction about sending other peoples' children to die in their ill-conceived adventures. To neo-cons like Kristol, the citizens of America are just tools to be used in their Machiavellian escapades. All the while spinning little webs of deceit and death for the 'masses', they meet in their conferences, run around collecting speaking fees, and appear on talking head shows while reveling in self perceived importance. Coming right down to it – who really cares what Kristol thinks?
People like Kristol are the basest form of 'American' – prominent, vociferous cheerleaders for patriotism and American supremacy - as long as someone else does the dirty work. Kristol and the other neo-cons at PNAC were promulgators and are now the owners of a dismally failed mode of thought about America and it's future. No amount of distancing from Bush will clean the stains from his hands.
Posted on The Human Stain
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