The Human Stain


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Roberts in the Mirror

Sen. Pat Roberts wrote an article in “The Hill” newspaper today where he decries the 'political opportunism' on display in Washington and how it is harming our nation's security. Trying to take the high road, one totally unfamiliar to him and the other Rethuglican cult members, he harrumphes that Bush's critics are the problem, and they should get on Georgie's ship of fascism in order to help protect America. His article is a perfect example of how human beings often betray themselves by subconsciously referring to others in negative ways – but in reality are describing one's self.

Inside the Beltway, political opportunism is too often the norm. Historically, however, members of Congress have checked their political agendas at the door when addressing sensitive national security matters.

Protecting the nation and its citizens from enemy attack was something on which most politicians could agree. Sadly it seems, only four and a half years after Sept. 11, that this is no longer the case.

The problem has become apparent to me as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. While some of my colleagues talk about oversight, they seem less interested in fixing the intelligence community’s problems than in the political benefit to be achieved by exploiting them.

This is not oversight. It is political opportunism at its worst. Not surprisingly, it has consequences.

I urge my colleagues to check political opportunism at the door when they are dealing with national security issues. The stakes for the American people are too high.

Just think of Robert's Republican party when reading this – that's who the article is about. Truly pathetic, he just doesn't get it. When will Robert's and the blind members of his party wake up and realize they work for Americans and should all be shedding their Bush kneepads?
Posted on The Human Stain


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