Never Accountable

A poll conducted for the State Department days before January's Palestinian elections warned policymakers that the militant Islamic group Hamas was in a position to win. Nevertheless, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said after the election that her department had no advance indication of a major Hamas triumph.
Steven Aftergood, the director of the Project on Government Secrecy, said that while the poll didn't predict Hamas' big win, it clearly showed a trend toward victory for the Islamic militants. ''Either Secretary Rice was being disingenuous or else her department has a serious information-sharing problem, because INR could not have done a much better job of assessing the Palestinian election than they did,'' said Aftergood. ``To profess surprise of the outcome is incomprehensible.''
''This is secrecy squared,'' he continued. ``It's one thing to keep secrets from the public. But when the bureaucracy is keeping secrets from itself, policy is compromised.''
Seeming to revel in the pomp, ceremony, and allure that comes with power – it appears that she views her world to be disconnected from reality, one of fairy tales, pretty clothes, and assorted galas in exotic lands. Wouldn't it be nice to see some more acceptance of the world we inhabit – with the very nasty consequences that lies and incompetence on the world stage create?
Posted on The Human Stain
Condi is an academic, pure and simple. When she was Bush's National Security Adviser, she wasn't very good. She missed warnings about terrorism despite briefings from the outgoing Clinton Admnistration and despite fire on hair moments from Tenet and Richard Clarke.
And she let herself pretty much be run over by Cheney and Rumsfeld in her first 32 months (that's a long time for training wheels; never mind that Bush is still in the tricycle and tantrum stage). She briefly got George to back her for awhile on her democracy project in Iraq in late 2003 but by then Abu Ghraib was several weeks old. If she knew about Abu Ghraib, she's a failure. If she didn't know about Abu Ghraib, Cheney and Rumsfeld really ran her over.
She gets great press but it doesn't fit the reality.
Anonymous, at 3/06/2006 3:03 AM
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