Republicans are dead

The recent Democratic victories for Governor in VA and NJ, along with the repudiation of “idiotic design” proponents in PA, and the termination of Gov. Schwarzenegger in CA have what is left of the GOP in a tizzy. Thinking that they still actually have a political party, these stalwarts on a sinking ship are trying to reverse the march of history. By taking actions that hitched their wagons to the wrong far right cult, they have lost the support of real Americans.
Having dishonorably served their constituents by kow-towing to both the American Taliban and corporate greed, they are responsible for destroying their own political party. The weak kneed moderates in their midst are just as culpable in this destruction due to acquiescence and timidity.
They all deserve the come-uppance that will be soon coming.
Posted on the Human Stain

The recent Democratic victories for Governor in VA and NJ, along with the repudiation of “idiotic design” proponents in PA, and the termination of Gov. Schwarzenegger in CA have what is left of the GOP in a tizzy. Thinking that they still actually have a political party, these stalwarts on a sinking ship are trying to reverse the march of history. By taking actions that hitched their wagons to the wrong far right cult, they have lost the support of real Americans.
Having dishonorably served their constituents by kow-towing to both the American Taliban and corporate greed, they are responsible for destroying their own political party. The weak kneed moderates in their midst are just as culpable in this destruction due to acquiescence and timidity.
They all deserve the come-uppance that will be soon coming.
Posted on the Human Stain
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