The Human Stain


Thursday, October 13, 2005

New York Times – Thanks for the memories

The ongoing reluctance of the NYT to write about Judy Miller and her involvement is being justified with many baseless arguments – Judy has to protect her sources, she is standing up for all of us, we cannot comment until she finishes testifying, etc.
How about a theory that they just do not want to report on the incidents because they are in bed with the Bush administration? Think about this for a bit. Who was one of the most vociferant boosters of the Iraq invasion? Who received the most “scoops” on the buildup to war? Who seemed to wield abnormal power in Iraq during the early stages of the war and was even causing anxiety for the generals conducting the war? Bingo – Miller of the NYT. Were there any quid pro quos given by Bush to by publisher Arthur Sulzberger in exchange for favorable government decisions on his continuing media purchases? Did they agree to “pump up the volume” for the drumbeats of war by sending Sulzberger’s close friend Judy to do the deeds? Why isn’t this possible? This is the same publisher who blamed his readers for the Jason Blair scandal. This is the newspaper currently being ridiculed for being “Judy Miller’s New York Times”. Also, what if Judy agreed to go to jail to protect the newspaper’s complicity during the war’s buildup – in exchange for a lucrative book deal upon her release? This is also the same newspaper that has put its influential anti-administration opinion writers behind a firewall (Times Select) that drastically limits their mass exposure.


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