James Dobson – Karl Rove
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The Harriet Miers nomination has caused a great deal of consternation in American Taliban circles. With so much turmoil being generated, it was deemed necessary to call the American Ayatollah and calm him with some inside information on Harriet’s qualifications. Well isn’t that special? Why is it that this pseudo religious/political huckster is pandered to by the Administration while the duly elected US Senators of this country receive no like information? Senators Charles Schumer (video) and Arlen Specter have both indicated that they will ask Dobson to appear before the Judiciary Committee.
Senator Specter stated on This Week with George Stephanopoulos that:
STEPHANOPOULOS: So let me clarify here. You will call Dr. Dobson and Karl Rove to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee?
SPECTER: I haven’t made up a witness list, but I have done something unprecedented. I have divided the 30 witnesses equally between the Democrats and Republicans. Maybe that’s a witness that Pat Leahy will want to call.
SPECTER: Now, wait a minute. Now, wait a minute. If Pat Leahy doesn’t call him, Arlen Specter may. I want to know what all the facts are. I’m very fact-oriented, and if Dr. Dobson knows something that he shouldn’t know or something that I ought to know, I’m going to find out.
Sounds like there was another sneaky/dirty plot being engaged in here. Just like the Plame-Gate smear conspiracy. Sadly, they all come from the White House. Bring it on.
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The Harriet Miers nomination has caused a great deal of consternation in American Taliban circles. With so much turmoil being generated, it was deemed necessary to call the American Ayatollah and calm him with some inside information on Harriet’s qualifications. Well isn’t that special? Why is it that this pseudo religious/political huckster is pandered to by the Administration while the duly elected US Senators of this country receive no like information? Senators Charles Schumer (video) and Arlen Specter have both indicated that they will ask Dobson to appear before the Judiciary Committee.
Senator Specter stated on This Week with George Stephanopoulos that:

STEPHANOPOULOS: So let me clarify here. You will call Dr. Dobson and Karl Rove to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee?
SPECTER: I haven’t made up a witness list, but I have done something unprecedented. I have divided the 30 witnesses equally between the Democrats and Republicans. Maybe that’s a witness that Pat Leahy will want to call.
SPECTER: Now, wait a minute. Now, wait a minute. If Pat Leahy doesn’t call him, Arlen Specter may. I want to know what all the facts are. I’m very fact-oriented, and if Dr. Dobson knows something that he shouldn’t know or something that I ought to know, I’m going to find out.
Sounds like there was another sneaky/dirty plot being engaged in here. Just like the Plame-Gate smear conspiracy. Sadly, they all come from the White House. Bring it on.
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