The Human Stain


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

US not safe – again

With the increasing news that possibility of an Avian Bird Flu epidemic reaching “pandemic” proportions is very high, the question of why the US is so woefully prepared needs to be asked. Is it that we were caught by surprise? Is it there was a shortage of foresight in the medical community? Is it that the flu is spreading extremely fast and we could never develop the proper vaccines? Is it that the US government failed to protect America again? Unfortunately, the answers increasingly appear to be: no, no, no, yes. While most European nations have enough vaccine for 20-40% of their citizens, the US government is pitifully prepared to cover 2% of the populace. Since current data reveals a mortality rate of near 35% for those contracting the bird flu, this is not a small failure! The last flu pandemic in 1918 killed 20 to 50 million worldwide with 550,000 dying in the US. The most recent federal government plan to fight the pandemic forecasts 220,000 dying (best case) with up to 1.9 million dying (worst case). President Bush had discussions with drug company executives on Oct. 7 that seemed to produce more concerns of how to avoid litigation and make profits – rather than how to save people from death. Where were the efficient planning and fund expenditures? Where is the full-bore, concerted effort to prevent this tragedy from reaching monstrous levels? Oh, darn, I forgot - this is the Bush administration.


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