The Human Stain


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Elder Tolerance

I'm not a person who disrespects his elders, but there comes a period in every persons life when time just leapfrogs past them. Those, with their faculties, can begrudgingly recognize it and move into a different life phase. Those, still living their lives as if 20 years prior, are doomed to suffer the quiet and patient understanding of others around them. Not able to see reality, they increasingly fail to realize how far their slide has progressed and how rapidly it is escalating. Such is the case with David Broder.

You see, Broder is mad:

Bush was elected twice, over Democrats Al Gore and John Kerry, whose know-it-all arrogance rankled Midwesterners such as myself......

Now, however, you can see the independence party forming -- on both sides of the aisle. They are mobilizing to resist not only Bush but also the extremist elements in American society -- the vituperative, foul-mouthed bloggers on the left and the doctrinaire religious extremists on the right.....

David, what really seems to rankle you is that 'bloggers' have a voice, one that marginalizes yours. Your apparent 'know it all' self image is being bruised by bloggers and it hurts. As my father always told me - the only constant in life is change, so get used used to it. Sorry, but the train has left the station – and you're just not on it.
Posted on The Human Stain


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