The Human Stain


Monday, September 18, 2006


Watching the controversy about torture and secret trials that is currently on display in Washington, DC I am filled with a mix of admiration – but mostly sadness. I admire and fully support the efforts of Senators John Warner, John McCain, Susan Collins, and Lindsey Graham as theirs is a lonely struggle for what is right and important to America and subsequent generations. Do not bend, stand firm.

My level of sadness is much more powerful however. Why is it that in America, my America, the land of the free and brave, the land my father fought for – there are only (4) Republican Senators standing tall and lonely?

Does that mean the others actually support torture? Senators Snowe, Chafee, Domenici, Gregg, Grassley, Hagel, Lugar, Martinez, Shelby, Sununu, Voinovich – are you all supporters of torture? Are you all supporters of secret trials with secret evidence that strips the accused of all rights to their defense? Are you all willing to hand this nation's future to the forces of darkness and fascism currently swirling within it?

Or are you willing to stand alongside the lonely ones?
Posted on The Human Stain


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