Ready the Plot
Currently being reserved in that cemetery is a plot for one named William Kristol. Smarmy, illogical, and ruthlessly devoid of any humanity, Kristol - a loud public advocate of torture is proudly wearing a mantle once held by others such as Jack Kevorkian, Idi Amin, Rudolph Hess, Count Dracula, Pol Pot, and on..... Kristol was a founding member of the 'neocon' PNAC group, he forcefully boosted the Iraq War, he trumpets the daily lies and falsehoods coming from Rove and the other Bushies, and he seems to walk through life blithely unconcerned about the injury, maiming, and death of others while he sits upon his fat arse in a dank office. He's quite a brave little man as long as someone else does the dying.
Welcome to the neighborhood Bill.
Posted on The Human Stain
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