When Sen. Bill 'video diagnosis' Frist, threatened to invoke the nuclear option and overturn 200 years of Senate rules to allow filibusters to be ended by simple majority vote, he not only displayed a stunningly shallow intellect regarding the workings of US government – he also displayed arrogant betrayal of America's citizens. Foaming at the mouth that Bush's extremist judicial nominees deserved up or down votes, and that the will of the minority should not obstruct the majority, he played ugly partisan politics in order to win. Why don't people understand that filibusters are evil and should be more easily ended? America needs this rules change! Well, well – times have certainly changed.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist signaled yesterday that he and other White House allies will filibuster a bill dealing with the interrogation and prosecution of detainees if they cannot persuade a rival group of Republicans to rewrite key provisions opposed by President Bush.
Pathetic hypocrisy. And people wonder why politicians are held in such low regard.
Posted on The Human Stain
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