There's No Question
Add to this the wishy washy positions of his fellow Democratic Senators who will not come out and show principled leadership regarding the issue of stripping Lieberman's seniority from any committees on which he served.
The issue of Lieberman’s seniority would arise most dramatically if Lieberman wins re-election and Democrats recapture control of the chamber. That would slot Lieberman to take over as chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the panel primarily responsible for investigating the executive branch.
Democrats think their chances of taking back the Senate are growing more and more likely. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) last week said he was more confident that Democrats would pick up at least five Senate seats.
Allowing Lieberman to retain his seniority could put the senator now running as an independent in charge of the Senate’s chief investigative committee. If Democrats took control of either chamber they would likely launch investigations of the White House’s handling of the war in Iraq and homeland security.
Why is this something people should be wasting time wondering about? Lieberman simply cannot be allowed to disrespect the Democratic voters in CT and saunter around the US Senate. At least this person has the right view:
“Lieberman’s tone and message has shocked a lot of people,” said a second senior Democratic aide who has discussed the issue with other Senate Democrats. “He’s way off message for us and right in line with the White House.”
“At this point Lieberman cannot expect to just keep his seniority,” said the aide. “He can’t run against a Democrat and expect to waltz back to the caucus with the same seniority as before. It would give the view that the Senate is a country club rather than representative of a political party and political movement.”
The aide said that it would make no sense to keep Lieberman in a position where he might take over the Governmental Affairs Committee.
Now if the rest of the Senate's Democrat's can't see this basic principle of democracy – why do they deserve our votes?
Posted on The Human Stain
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