Smoke and Mirrors

Madeleine K. Albright, revealed herself as the only person in attendance that actually had some testicles. The former Secretary of State, for Bill Clinton, asked Chimpie whether, with the Iraqi War "taking up all the energy" of his foreign policy team, he had let the nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea spin out of control and allowed Latin America and China policy suffer by neglect.
"I can't let this comment stand," Mr. Bush shot back, telling Ms. Albright that this administration "can do more than one thing at a time," insisting his administration, had "the best relations of any country with Japan, China and Korea," and had active programs to make alliances around the world. So there!
Poor Georgie, someone had the temerity to question him again. How does he take the pressure?
His “consultation” with the former Secretaries was quite intense and taxing for him. When cameras were in the room, Georgie left no doubt that he believed his strategy was the only way to victory, and he gave no hint, participants said, of any dreaded self-doubt. "It would be a stretch to say he was really interested in many thoughts from around the table," said one of the former officials.
When cameras were rolling, Bush said "I'm most grateful for the suggestions that have been given....We take to heart the advice, we appreciate your experience."
They met for a total of five minutes before taking a big picture.
Posted on The Human Stain
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