The Human Stain


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

The framers of our Constitution were very wise to setup three co-equal branches of government that would balance each other. Extremely aware of the abusive nature of unbridled power, they crafted a structure better and more just than the monarchy of kings. This government structure was responsive to the needs of the people - not just the well connected, monied, or famililial relations of the royal bloodlines.

Bush and Cheney want to scrap our Constitution and return to the days of kings and rule by decree. The old adage "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" was true in colonial times and it is true now. Does anyone need anymore evidence than what is currently happening in Washington?

Bush/Cheney and their fascist cabal are spying on America - not to protect it from terrorists. They are spying in order to control and cement power. Their use of "terrorism" to justify lawbreaking is a red herring, intended to enable the hi-jacking of government control by diminishing the power of the legislative and judicial branches.

As previously posted, the Bushies are using high technology to data mine all e-mails, all phone calls, all forms of electronic communication....How long will it be before “them” becomes “us?” Think they couldn't be listening to people who oppose them politically? Think they couldn't be listening to reporters? Think they couldn't be listening to war protesters and peace activists? Think they couldn't be listening to environmentalists? Think they couldn't be listening to human rights advocates? Think they couldn't be listening to you?

Think again.

posted on The Human Stain


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