He's trying

Former US President Bill Clinton spoke at a U.N. climate conference on Friday and stated Bush was "flat wrong" to claim that reducing greenhouse-gas emissions to fight global warming would damage the U.S. economy.
The Bushie cabal seems to have a visceral hatred and disregard for anyone smarter than them, especially scientists, who having devoted their lives to their fields, say their meticulous research proves climate change is real and is influenced by human activities. The Bush administration repeatedly rejected efforts from the Canadian hosts of the conference and other nations to commit to future talks on emission controls. Our ugly American representatives at the conference were reportedly upset with the scheduling of Clinton's speech. If so, they are huge embarrassments for this country and we are not being served by any of the Bush cronies like them. Rather than work on the problem of climate change, they worry about stupid political posturing - disgraceful.
"It's such a pity the United States is still very much unwilling to join the international community, to have a multilateral effort to deal with climate change," said the leader of the African group of nations here, Kenya's Emily Ojoo Massawa. "The administration just doesn't seem to get it. They don't understand the world is suffering from climate change," said Jennifer Morgan of the environmentalist group Climate Action Network.
Clinton urged representatives from the 180 nations attending to find a way to "work with" the Bush administration. He's trying to keep dialog flowing – unfortunately, the Bushies are too arrogant and hate filled to listen.
Posted on the Human Stain
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