The Human Stain


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Great presidents needed

In her new book about Abraham Lincoln, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin reveals the quality that makes a president great -- his capacity for empathy. An excerpt from an interview with the author by Terrence McNally.

McNally: Briefly tell us how the book called to you, how you approached it, what it is, and what it means to you now.

Goodwin: I wasn't sure how to approach it at the start. I only knew that I wanted to study Lincoln and the Civil War. It was scary to consider whether I could come up with my own story. Once I realized that Lincoln put the rivals who'd been against him in 1860 into his cabinet, and the confidence and largeness that took, and how he was able to master them all.... it meant that, used rightly, qualities we normally associate with decency -- sensitivity and compassion, empathy and kindness -- can actually be great political resources.
It made me sad to think what might be possible if we had such a person today, one who realized that human relationships are at the core of politics. If you don't hold grudges, if you tell the truth, if you acknowledge mistakes, if you shoulder responsibility for the failures of others and you share credit -- it's not just that these are good things to do, but you're going to be more successful.
Posted on The Human Stain


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