Running away

Another neocon warmonger trying to run away from his past actions. Don't these guys know videotape, audiotape, Lexis-Nexis, and other information storage methods exist? Past statements do come back to haunt don't they? Thousands of people are dead, it's quite cavalier and dismissive to see how he just brushes the past aside.
Wolfie now: “It was a sense that the greatest danger in taking this man on would be that he would use them," Wolfowitz said, referring to Saddam Hussein. If you could have given us a guarantee that they wouldn't have been used, there would have been policy options available probably” Asked how he accounted for the intelligence failure, Wolfowitz replied: "Well, I don't have to, and it's not just because I don't work for the US government anymore.”
Wolfie then: Citing bureaucratic reasons for focusing on Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, he stated a "huge" result of the war was to enable Washington to withdraw its troops from Saudi Arabia. "The truth is that for reasons that have a lot to do with the U.S. government bureaucracy, we settled on the one issue that everyone could agree on which was weapons of mass destruction as the core reason." Wolfowitz insisted that there had always been three major concerns. "One was weapons of mass destruction, second was terrorism, and the third ... was the abuse of Iraqis by their own government... And in a sense there was a fourth overriding one, which was the connection between those first two, the connection between the weapons of mass destruction and terrorism. All three of those have been there, they've always been part of the rationale and I think it's been very clear."
No banned weapons were ever found - Iraq had abandoned its chemical and nuclear programs in 1991, its bio-weapons program in 1995. The neocons settled on the one issue they could sell – WMD's, as it was the one issue that would scare Americans. They went all out to deceive.
Posted on The Human Stain
December's thoughts all wonder why the current administration treats us meager unimportant citizens of the supposed 'land of the free and home of the brave' as idiots. Why? Dont you know that to them we are just puppets, with our joints moving at tuggs of the master to entertain and profit him? Puppets dont have identity. They dont have thought. But they do have hope. Someday "I want to be a real boy" (girl) too.
Anonymous, at 12/09/2005 2:23 PM
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