The Human Stain


Saturday, September 30, 2006

Joe – Just Go!

Simply amazing! Profoundly baffling! Astoundingly incomprehensible! Why is it so difficult for Joe Lieberman to understand that that the Democratic voters in his state have decided to support another candidate for the US Senate? Joe, maybe you need to go back and take some remedial courses in a subject you seem unfamiliar with 'The Democratic Process – How it Works.' It boils down to this – candidate campaigns for office – tries to get as many votes as possible. Those with the most votes win, those with less – lose. Joe, you lost.

Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman is willing to forgive but not forget Chris Dodd and others who abandoned him after he lost the Democratic primary to Ned Lamont and became a petitioning candidate.

In an online interview this week with PajamasMedia, conducted by novelist and screenwriter Roger L. Simon, Lieberman was asked about the break with his old allies.

"I'm talking specifically about Chris Dodd, Al Gore, Ted Kennedy, people like that, none of whom are supporting your campaign," Simon asked. "How do you feel about that? And will you be able to forgive them?

"Oh, I'll forgive them. I probably won't forget, to tell you the truth," Lieberman replied. "And, you know, this is politics. And it's been disappointing."

The real disappointment is watching this pitiful display of self grandeur. Connecticut deserves – and will get much better.
Posted on The Human Stain


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