The Human Stain


Sunday, May 07, 2006

52 Card Ignore

Why must the American public continue to suffer media exposure of these people? Disproven, dishonored, patently dishonest, insipid, or just plain irritating - these people keep popping up on TV shows, discussion panels, interviews, in magazines, on and on and on..... Enough already. Give America a break – just go away.

Bay Buchanan

Bill Bennett

Sen. George Allen

David Brooks

Robin Williams

Sen. Mitch McConnell

Bill O'Reilly

Donna Brazille

Sen. John Cornyn

Sean Hannity

Sen. Joe Biden

Sen. Orrin Hatch

James Dobson

Sen. Jeff Sessions

Sen. Pat Roberts

Jerry Falwell

Sen. Bill Frist

Sen. Ted Stevens

Donald Rumsfeld

Anna Nicole Smith

Geraldo Rivera

Dick Cheney

Kate O'Beirne

Katie Couric

George Bush

Laura Bush

Tony Blankley

Donald Trump

Michelle Malkin

Brit Hume

Bill Kristol

Elizabeth Bumiller

Chris Matthews

Alberto Gonzales

Rush Limbaugh

Tim Russert

Ann Coulter

Antonin Scalia

Spkr. Dennis Hastert

Thomas Friedman

David Broder

Tom Delay

Sen Rick Santorum

Laura Ingraham

Tony Perkins

Condoleeza Rice

Jeb Bush

Karen Hughes

Pat Robertson

Tom Cruise

Doctor Phil

Barry Bonds

Posted on The Human Stain