In this interview, National Review editor and author of new book 'Party of Death' Ramesh Ponnuru makes the following statement about Terri Schiavo:
Well the Terri Schiavo case was of course saturation coverage but it wasn't information coverage in all cases. You had a lot of media outlets who were referring to Terri Schiavo as brain-dead, which isn't the case. I mean if she were actually brain-dead there wouldn't have been a controversy, she would have been dead. That's what brain-dead means.
Actually that is not what 'brain-dead' means. Just a little research would show:
Brain death is defined as a complete and irreversible cessation of brain activity. Absence of apparent brain function is not enough. Evidence of irreversibility is also required. Brain-death is often confused with the state of vegetation.
Traditionally, death has been defined as the cessation of all body functions, including respiration and heartbeat. Since it became possible to revive some people after a period without respiration, heartbeat, or other visible signs of life, as well as to maintain respiration and blood flow artificially using life support treatments, an alternative definition for death was needed. In recent decades, the concept of "brain death" has emerged. By brain-death criteria, a person can be pronounced legally dead even if the heart continues to beat due to life support measures.
One would think that if Ponnuru wanted to be taken seriously, he would have done some legwork to show the required 'rigor' was expended before spouting off in his empty rant against liberals and Democrats.
Didn't his Mommy hug him when little?
Posted on The Human Stain
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