The Human Stain


Monday, April 17, 2006

So What?

From ABC News

President Bush's new chief of staff said Monday it was time to "refresh and re-energize the team," and he told senior White House aides who might be thinking about quitting this year to go ahead and leave now. Taking charge in a time of crisis, with Bush's poll ratings at their lowest point ever and Republicans anxious about the November elections, Bolten laid down his pointed directive at his first meeting with top presidential aides. He did not ask for anyone's resignation, and none of the senior aides stepped forward to say they would go, White House press secretary Scott McClellan reported later. But Bolten has Bush's full authority to make changes to the president's staff, and McClellan said he would expect announcements soon.

The mass media is all a-twitter about this. There will be shakeups in the White House! There is a time of crisis in the White House – Bush's poll numbers are low!

Think the questions that should be asked are: “Will Cheney, Rove, Rice, and Rumsfeld be staying? Will the religio-fascists and neo-cons still hold control over this administration? Will Bush change the policy in Iraq? Will America's sons and daughters continue to die needlessly in a conflict based on lies? Will the Bushies continue to ignore average Americans and instead grovel to monied interests? Will Americans still be denied adequate health care? Will Bush still continue to thumb his nose at the US Constitution? Will Bush still condemn thousands of Americans to needless pain and death by squashing stem cell research? Will American women continue to have their vaginas invaded by the religio-nuts and misogynists that Bush curries to? Will Bush be impeached?

Questions about the musical chair game for White House bit players don't mean anything. How about doing more reporting about what is really of concern to the country?
Posted on The Human Stain


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