Note to Gen. Myers – Shut Up.

Later, retired Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, took on Rumsfeld's military critics, telling CNN that the former generals should refrain from publicly denouncing him.
"It's bad for the military, it's bad for civilian-military relations, and it's potentially very bad for the country," said Myers, who stepped down in September last year.
General, what is really bad for the country is having a bootlicking incompetent Chairman who shirked his duty to America and uttered nary a peep to the cowboy plans hatched by a group of idiot chickenhawks. You sat there and watched the children of American Moms and Dads die needlessly - sacrificed over a pack of lies. The Generals speaking out now are performing their DUTY as citizens – you're still bent over with you pants down.
Posted on The Human Stain
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