Don't Let It Happen

FCC Chief Kevin Martin yesterday gave his support to AT&T and other telcos who want to be able to limit bandwidth to sites like Google, unless those sites pay extortion fees. Martin made it clear in a speech yesterday that he supports such a a "tiered" Internet.
Martin told attendees at the TelecomNext show that telcos should be allowed to charge web sites whatever they want if those sites want adequate bandwidth.
.....By siding with telcos who want to be able to offer adequate bandwidth to sites that pay up, and to limit bandwidth to sites that don't, he'll help kill off new sites that can't afford to fork over the money.
Rely on blogs for your information? Kiss them goodbye. Does anyone really think that the incestuous relationship between extremist government and big business now being witnessed will continue to allow voices that dissent? Small truth-tellers need not apply. Big media toes the line now, with this proposal they will control the line. Write to FCC to stop this idea.
Posted on The Human Stain
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