The Human Stain


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Musings From Abroad

Have not been able to post for the last few days as I am in Germany for two weeks of business travel. The weather right now is rather hit or miss – one day cold, another rainy, the next sunny. While not my first trip to this country, I am once again amazed at the wonderful German people with their very warm personalities and love of eating, drinking, and discussing most anything.

My friends here were quite eager to ask about 'George Bush', but their eagerness was also tempered by some hesitancy. Unsure of my feelings, they gently probed, trying to discern where I stood. For my part, I was relying on teachings from my father – never talk about politics or religion, so I initially held back from the discussion.

It became apparent that they were very concerned for what is happening in the US right now and wanted to hear from an American what was going on. George Bush is viewed as inflicting huge shame upon America, a very dangerous man, one with a tiny intellect, but possessing great power. America is thought of quite highly, as a place of limitless potential and vitality, but – how could America have elected this stupid man, what is wrong?

My friends are very afraid for America and by extension themselves - as we have the capacity to embroil Europe in the miasma of our creation. Remembering their own history, they hope someone will emerge to lead America from the darkness before it is too late.
Posted on The Human Stain


  • I have simi8lar hopes for America. Is your blog title from the Philip Roth book? Just asking.

    By Blogger Moderator, at 4/02/2006 6:30 PM  

  • Actually, I have similar hopes for America. Not simi8lar hopes. I don't know what simi8lar hopes are.

    By Blogger Moderator, at 4/02/2006 6:31 PM  

  • Wish I was with you. I've always wanted to spend a couple weeks in Germany. I believe most Americans are good, but it's our leadership that's misled. I have hope, too. Enjoy your travels.

    By Blogger Kathleen Callon, at 4/09/2006 1:46 PM  

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