Same Old Song – Stupidity and Fear

His standard "scare America" speech:
President Bush on Friday provided a preview of his two-front strategy for protecting the Republican congressional majority in an ominous political climate: hammer Democrats on national security and the economy, and raise millions of dollars for embattled GOP candidates such as Rep. Michael E. Sodrel (Ind.).
At a luncheon fundraiser here, Bush repeatedly called Sodrel an indispensable ally in fighting terrorism, and emphasized his support for the military and a robust U.S. foreign policy. Sodrel, he said, "understands this is a nation at war" against terrorists intent on striking America again. It is imperative that voters elect candidates who know that "there is an enemy which hates those of us who embrace freedom and would like to strike us again." He warned the crowd that Democrats will raise taxes and harm the economy if they are elected. It is imperative that voters elect candidates who know that "there is an enemy which hates those of us who embrace freedom and would like to strike us again."
How much safer is America? Port security – no. Chemical, nuclear plants – no. Transportation – no. Did Chimpie protect America when he had the chance – no. So what really has been done? Government invasion of privacy – yes. Loss of freedoms – yes. Invasions of your sex life and reproductive rights – yes. Religio-fascism on the rise – yes. Muzzling of the press – yes.
So who is America safer for? For those currently in power.
Posted on The Human Stain
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