Messages From Bush

Screw you – Hey, Generals, I don't care what you say or think. Rumsfeld is doing a heckuva good job and he's staying. I'm the decider and I'll decide what's best. To all you non-coms – quit your belly aching about not having armor or armored vehicles. Get used to jail because you'll continue to take the rap for following Rumsfeld's orders to torture prisoners.
To America:
Screw you – I'm the President and I'll do what I want, after all the Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper. You don't have any rights – because I say so.
To Women:
Screw you – me and my buddies will tell you what you can or cannot do with your own bodies. You'll have sex when we say and how we say and you'll like it – or else.
To Iran:
Screw you – I say you are dangerous, I'm going to kick your ass, and I'll tell huge lies again to do it. The American public is stupid, get them scared enough and they'll believe anything I say.
To Iraq:
Screw you – if you think we're going to pack up and leave all this oil and give up on our plans to control the middle east oil supplies, ha! What do you think we're building those permanent military bases for? You think we're building the largest US Embassy ever in your country for nothing?
To the American worker:
Screw you – me and my buddies will continue to restrict workers rights, wages, and benefits. Illegal immigrants and the exploitation of foreign workers will never stop, we need slave labor to get rich faster.
To future generations:
Screw you – we need to maximize our profits and enrich ourselves even at the expense of your existence. The environment is there to be plundered, by us.
To my rich friends:
Don't worry, I'll take care of everything I promised to when you elected me.
Posted on The Human Stain
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