Catholic Church Pays Millions

The Roman Catholic Church's sex-abuse scandal has cost the Boston Archdiocese at least $151 million since it erupted in 2002, the Church said on Wednesday in a financial report. Struggling to restore public confidence after it was exposed for moving abusive priests to new parishes instead of reporting them to authorities, the archdiocese had to close more than 60 churches to raise money and was pressured to reveal its finances.
But, good Catholics, you need have no fear:
Cardinal Sean O'Malley said he would cut costs to try to reverse that trend and hopes to balance the budget by 2008. "We're poised to stop the bleeding," he told a news conference, nearly a month after he was elevated from archbishop. In a letter to parishioners, he said the drop in donations reflected anger over the sexual abuse scandal. "These numbers are one response of a wounded community, an expression of deep hurt," he said.
Gee, ya think? Maybe people are also worried that their kids are still at risk of getting buggered by the “good” Catholic priests not yet discovered to be child abusers. It is good to know that the church will get back on a solid financial footing though – isn't it? Wouldn't want anyone in the hierarchy to have to compromise on any of their lifestyles after destroying the lives of so many parishioners.
Posted on The Human Stain
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