Brightening Sky?

In the most recent Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll, Americans by a margin of 46 percent to 37 percent said they plan to vote Democratic for Congress this year.
Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean said the key to victory in November will be to “nationalize'' the election. Instead of each candidate running on local issues within his or her district, Dean said, all Democrats should stress such issues as “honesty and openness in government'' and “a strong national defense that depends on truth and adequately equipping our soldiers.”
“I am not ready to say we will take back the House and Senate,” Dean said in an interview. “But we will take back the House and probably the Senate if we run a national campaign.” If Democrats do gain control, he said, Republicans should expect to be investigated: “If we get subpoena power” in congressional committees, “the corruption will come out on America's TV screens, and that scares the daylights out of the Republicans.” he said.
Huge amounts of needed preparation for victory remain – such as ensuring that voting machines are not rigged .
Posted on The Human Stain
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