Plantation Plain and Simple

Seems entirely truthful in illustrating the heavy handed, one way, shove it down the opposition's throat method of legislation as practiced by Republicans. They do not listen to, or consider opposing views, do not want to work in a bi-partisan manner, and arrogantly feel they can do as wanted - their agenda has already been decided and they will not deviate from it. Their style is not one of politics – but one of decree. It is legislative tyranny and Hillary described it beautifully.
Clinton also deserves credit for sticking to her guns and not backing down once the Republican smear engine started to get loud. Last night, she adamantly stood by the comments, saying "top-down" decision-making by GOP congressional leaders was bad for the country.
Sen. Barack Obama seconded her concerns by stating "the ordinary voter and even members of Congress who aren't in the majority party don't have much input....There's been a consolidation of power by the Republican Congress and this White House in which, if you are the ordinary voter, you don't have access.....That should be a source of concern for all of us...what one has seen is the further concentration of power around a very narrow agenda that advantages the most powerful."
Well said.
Posted on The Human Stain
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