The Human Stain


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Smearing Dangerously

Judge Samuel Alito is not in the mainstream of American society – a fact not in dispute. Very conservative, he has a predilection to side with corporate and monied interests in cases he hears, decisions that uphold the rights of citizens are nearly non-existent. In his Senate conformation hearings, he was a wolf in sheep's clothing, masterfully befuddling the incompetent buffoons on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Last December, Knight Ridder's Washington bureau published a story analyzing the record of Judge Samuel Alito. Written by Stephen Henderson, Knight Ridder's Supreme Court correspondent, Howard Mintz of the San Jose Mercury News, and assisted by Washington bureau researcher Tish Wells, they spent nearly a month reading all of Alito's 311 published opinions, from the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia where Alito has sat for 15 years. His cases were cataloged into various categories and analyzed with the assistance of attorneys who participated in the cases – both prosecutors and defense. Other judges an legal scholars were also interviewed.

The story began: "During his 15 years on the federal bench, Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito has worked quietly but resolutely to weave a conservative legal agenda into the fabric of the nation's laws,"

and concluded that, "although Alito's opinions are rarely written with obvious ideology, he's seldom sided with a criminal defendant, a foreign national facing deportation, an employee alleging discrimination or consumers suing big business."

This analysis was painstakingly researched, meticulously documented and verified, and presented accurately. Almost immediately, the Senate Republican Conference sent out long memo titled, "Knight Ridder Misrepresents Judge Alito's 15-year record." Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, one of the Alito cheerleaders, denounced the story as "neither objective nor accurate." Knight Ridder was also attacked by a conservative columnist, who declared the story "illiterate." Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, placed a critique of the story into the record of the hearings, lying that the story, "has, to my understanding, been rather completely discredited." The critique falsely said the analysis was based on "dozens" of Alito's opinions, thereby implying his record was cherry picked (a favorite tactic of the Bushies) rather than the truthful evaluation of his whole record. The Republican National Committee attacked Henderson, accusing him of bias, and linked him to selected editorials he did not write. They attack the messenger, rabidly, viciously, and falsely – rather than debate the actual issues involved.

Thoughtful, unbiased, analysis that results in a conclusion not desired by Republican fascists is viciously attacked. Lies are formulated and spread throughout the electronic media with the motivations of non-partisan journalists being questioned and denigrated. Rabid fanatics, the Bush cabal has not only created a "with us or against us" attitude regarding the international community, but also here at home. Political dissent is to be crushed, evidence that can be seen in the NSA domestic spying scandals. This is the neo-con smear machine that is destroying our democracy. This is the neo-con smear machine that is dangerous to America. This is the smear machine that needs to be stopped.

Posted on The Human Stain


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