Lies and Spin Keep on Coming

In Louisville, Bush hosted a casual, town hall-type event reminiscent of his campaign stops. Bush paced, with microphone in hand, like a talk show host in front of signs that left no doubt about the administration's message of the day: 'Winning the War on Terror.' "Whether you agree with me or not, we're doing the right thing," adding that terrorists or insurgents fighting democratic reform in Iraq are "not going to shake my will."
"It's one thing to have a philosophical difference -- and I can understand people being abhorrent about war. War is terrible......But one way people can help as we're coming down the pike in the 2006 elections is remember the effect that rhetoric can have on our troops in harm's way, and the effect that rhetoric can have in emboldening or weakening an enemy." It was the second day in a row that Bush warned his critics to watch what they say or risk giving comfort to U.S. adversaries.
Viewpoints were different across the street, where about 200 noisy demonstrators protested Bush's policies. Said one demonstrator, "When I think it can't get any worse and then I hear some other scandal or some corrupt thing that's going on or more soldiers are dying, and I can't believe it....I just don't know how much longer America can afford to have George Bush as our president."
Posted on The Human Stain
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