All Smears - All The Time

Having totally failed in their 'War in Iraq', they try to scare people with the terror card, attempting to deflect true analysis and discussion of their inept bungling. If that doesn't work, they will accuse the opposition of being unpatriotic, hurting the troops, undermining the war, or aiding the enemy. When that doesn't work they threaten America's citizenry that people need to be careful what they say.
Professing their love and admiration for our men in uniform, they fail to provide the equipment needed, they fail to provide proper veterans benefits, they operate a stop loss program to force soldiers to stay in the military, they created a back door draft - calling up soldiers who completed their service requirements, they lie to new recruits in order to obtain enlistments, and they destroyed the integrity and honor of our troops with prisoner torture abuses. Any Iraq War veteran who has the temerity to run for public office as a Democrat – be prepared as you will be smeared and slimed. Lose a leg, an arm? No matter – the Republican political scum will probably assert you caused the injuries.
Note to Sen Lindsey Graham: with all your boo-hooing and teary eyed obsequiousness regarding Judge Samuel Alito's wife when she was crying crocodile tears, where is your outrage at the despicable rotting stench emanating from the Bush political machine's effort to smear the honorable service record of a real American patriot ?????
'I am a Marine currently serving at 4th Marine Aircraft Wing in New Orleans. Right now my fellow Marines and I are watching as we slowly slouch towards war with Iran. If deployed to the area, I promise you this: we will fight together, and we will fight valiantly. We will fight for those we do not know and for a cause we might not share. But we will fight. And when we come home, we may continue our fight, in the halls of power, the state capitols, and DC, if we so choose. We have earned it in blood and sweat. No one, and I mean no one, has the right to impugn our service, or our credentials without expecting a defense. I am defending Mr. Murtha because he did in Vietnam what others would not do. And I thank God for giving me the chance to make my mark as he has. And when I come home, will you be there to slander me too?'
Rep. John Murtha is representative of true American valor and honor. He is the 'Anti-Bush' and 'Anti Cheney.' While they were hanging on momma's tit, afraid to serve in the military, he volunteered for service in Vietnam, was wounded, received eight military awards – including two Purple Hearts, a Bronze star, and a Distinguished Service Medal of the United States Marine Corps, he stayed in the Marine Corps Reserve and recently retired after 37 years of commendable service to this country. Our troops know he is a man of integrity.
Chimpie and Torture Cheney cannot even approach his level.
Posted on The Human Stain
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