Is God Mad at Ralph Reed?

From The Washington Post :
'Ralph Reed, candidate for lieutenant governor, had just finished his opening statement to the Dawson County Republican Party when retired pulp paper executive Gary Pichon sprang from his seat with a question that cut to the chase:
"Did you accept any gifts, commissions or other payments of any kind from Mr. Abramoff, and are you likely to be a party in the unfolding investigation?" Silence enveloped the 60 or so Republicans in the auditorium, and Reed's cheerful manner turned tense. "No," he replied. "No to all these."
Hmmm, how to explain this -
'.... the first major dent in Reed's carefully cultivated image came with the disclosure in the summer of 2004 that his public relations and lobbying companies had received at least $4.2 million from Abramoff to mobilize Christian voters to fight Indian casinos competing with Abramoff's casino clients.'
Did he forget to mention this?
'.... a torrent of e-mails revealed during the investigation..shows a side of Reed that some former supporters say cannot be reconciled with his professed Christian values.' "After reading the e-mail, it became pretty obvious he was putting money before God," said a Georgia Christian Coalition member who had initially backed Reed. "We are righteously casting him out." Among those e-mails was one from Reed to Abramoff in late 1998: "I need to start humping in corporate accounts! . . . I'm counting on you to help me with some contacts."
Think he may also have forgotten this -
'In 1999, Reed e-mailed Abramoff after submitting a bill for $120,000 and warning that he would need as much as $300,000 more: "We are opening the bomb bays and holding nothing back."
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Posted on The Human Stain
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