Osama to the Rescue

It hasn’t escaped notice in the Muslim world that the US effort to capture OBL hasn’t been all that robust. It has led many of them to conclude that for some reason Bush doesn’t want to nab OBL. If OBL is half as dangerous as Bu$Co claims that he is, why were so few US forces sent into Afghanistan? Why was the route from Kandahar to the mountains of western Pakistan not closed? Why was there any escape route out of Kandahar? Why were military resources yanked from the theater in Afghanistan after only a few months and in preparation for an invasion of Iraq that wouldn’t take place for another year?
If OBL wasn’t so good at propping up GWB, Bu$hCo would have had to invent him.
Of course, a lot of people believe Osama is DEAD and has been for years !! Here, here, here, and here.
Posted on The Human Stain
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