The Human Stain


Thursday, August 17, 2006

What's so Hard to Understand??

It keeps coming back to the same thing. The lies, the unnecessary anquish, the unjustified deaths, the looting of American treasure, the destruction of an honorable legacy given to us by our ancestors, the shaming of America from a country known for honor and integrity to one known for torture.... The genesis of all these crimes leads back to the same root cause - it's all about the oil. It always was. It still is.

More here and here.
Posted on The Human Stain

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What do They Have in Common?

They should all be in jail.

Posted on The Human Stain

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Black Death

It's all about the oil. It always was. Treating fellow citizens as disposables, killing children, lying to justify the nefarious plans for profits...... Acts like these are the lowest form of barbarism and the perpetrators of this holocaust need to be brought before justice. Imprisonment may be too kind.

Posted on The Human Stain

Monday, August 07, 2006

Deadly Energy

It's all about the oil. It always was. Despite all the lofty ideals such as freedom, liberty, peace, equality, and rights that the Bushies spout off upon – it's all about the oil. It always was. American kids dying? Oh well – it's all about the oil. It always was.
Posted on The Human Stain

An Inconvenient Truth

See how they run! Rethuglicans are scared to death of the upcoming elections. GOP fascist command headquarters in the guise of the Senate Republican Conference has come out with a report - 'Securing America's Future' that baldly claims:

“During the August recess period, we have the opportunity to highlight our accomplishments in the Senate and our continued dedication to Securing America’s Future. Senate Republicans remain committed to securing America’s homeland, prosperity, and values.”

Supposedly formulated under the aegis of Sen. Rick “man on dog sex” Santorum and Sen. Kay “Clueless” Bailey Hutchison, the document - likely designed by Karl Rove, is a sad attempt to minimize the depth of political slime clinging to the hides of all passengers on the sinking disaster called Chimpie.

Some are so terrified, they are actually switching parties – 'everyone see our nice new Democrat Blue coats?' Of course, their new coats are reversible – red inside, blue outside so that Americans can be conned again. They supported Chimpie, they are complicit in his illegalities, they are helping religio-nuts and fascists to destroy the fabric of this nation. Folks, don't let them get away with it.

Sen. Santorum is so scared of losing his election that he and the slobbering succubi and incubi around him have actually paid to prop up the candidacy of a Green Party member in a sleazy attempt to dilute votes from formidable Democratic challenger – Bob Casey. Santorum has also provided his own campaign staffers to collect signatures helping to place the Green candidate on the ballot.

The saddest aspect of this story is that at one time there actually was a Republican party - composed of men and women (grownups all), true patriots who truly cared for America's best interests. That party is long gone – replaced by one composed of mental midgets, con artists, religio-nuts, and neo-fascists.

If you cannot stand what Bush has done to this country, then his enablers and adherents deserve equal scorn. There is no Republican who deserves re-election.
Posted on The Human Stain

Friday, August 04, 2006

More Traction

The idea that certain members of the Bush Administration need to be prosecuted for crimes continues to gain strength. This recent post discusses the legal grounds that exist to allow the bringing of war crimes charges against US government officials who violated Geneva Convention guidelines and the laws of war.

Of course the big question here is who should be held liable for these violations of Geneva? There are several possible classes of criminal targets in a war crimes investigation:

(1) the lawyers in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel and the White House, who advised the administration that the Geneva Conventions could be ignored and counseled it on how to do it;

(2) the military commanders and officers who sanctioned and carried out (or ordered subordinates to carry out) these violations; and

(3) the top officials who authorized the violations.

Ultimately, the buck stops with the president, who—although he cannot be indicted while in office—could be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, including war crimes.

Several legal scholars have documented how members of the Bush administration approached the dismantling of the law in a deliberate and intentional manner. Scott Horton, an adjunct law professor at Columbia University who teaches international law, submitted an expert report to the German Parliament in January 2005, for a case that had been brought in German courts against Rumsfeld and other American officials. According to Horton, government officials “viewed all legal limitations on their dealings with detainees . . . with contempt and ridicule” and “worked consistently to undermine and render inoperative the implementation” of Geneva and the laws of war.

.............former Attorney General John Ashcroft was “complicit in a scheme for the commission of war crimes.” Also, that current Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was “the principal author of the scheme to undertake war crimes, having expressly noted in his January 25, 2002, memorandum that he was motivated by a well-founded fear of war crimes prosecution, which he sought to evade for the benefit of himself and others in the administration.”

Echoing Horton’s findings, Jordan Paust, a former Army captain, U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps and law professor at the University of Houston, writes that there was a “'Common Plan' to violate the 1949 Geneva Conventions” that “involved at least those responsible for ‘the Department of Justice . . . formal legal opinion’” by the Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel.

OLC lawyers not only failed to caution against violating the laws; these attorneys actively advised the administration to break the law. Apparently, too, this advice was “endorsed by top lawyers in the White House, the Pentagon and the vice president’s office,” according to The New York Times.

While the criminal Rethuglican Mafia in Washington makes successful prosecution by political means a very difficult task, it is needed for the future of our country and our standing in the world community. America will be relegated to the “has been class” of nations unless we can show the strength of true democracy. Who will emulate us, aspiring to travel our purported path of high minded ideals towards liberty, freedom, and the often boasted claim that in the American democracy no one is above the law, unless we can show the capability to cleanse our own filth?

There is one way to start regaining credibility and some of our badly damaged honor, and it must begin in November – vote Democrat.

Posted on The Human Stain