An Inconvenient Truth
“During the August recess period, we have the opportunity to highlight our accomplishments in the Senate and our continued dedication to Securing America’s Future. Senate Republicans remain committed to securing America’s homeland, prosperity, and values.”
Supposedly formulated under the aegis of Sen. Rick “man on dog sex” Santorum and Sen. Kay “Clueless” Bailey Hutchison, the document - likely designed by Karl Rove, is a sad attempt to minimize the depth of political slime clinging to the hides of all passengers on the sinking disaster called Chimpie.
Some are so terrified, they are actually switching parties – 'everyone see our nice new Democrat Blue coats?' Of course, their new coats are reversible – red inside, blue outside so that Americans can be conned again. They supported Chimpie, they are complicit in his illegalities, they are helping religio-nuts and fascists to destroy the fabric of this nation. Folks, don't let them get away with it.
Sen. Santorum is so scared of losing his election that he and the slobbering succubi and incubi around him have actually paid to prop up the candidacy of a Green Party member in a sleazy attempt to dilute votes from formidable Democratic challenger – Bob Casey. Santorum has also provided his own campaign staffers to collect signatures helping to place the Green candidate on the ballot.
The saddest aspect of this story is that at one time there actually was a Republican party - composed of men and women (grownups all), true patriots who truly cared for America's best interests. That party is long gone – replaced by one composed of mental midgets, con artists, religio-nuts, and neo-fascists.
If you cannot stand what Bush has done to this country, then his enablers and adherents deserve equal scorn. There is no Republican who deserves re-election.
Posted on The Human Stain
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