The Human Stain


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bully Boy

The recent comment by Mark Salter, an employee of Senator John McCain, that viciously denigrates Ms. Jean Rohe, is an example of what is grossly wrong with politics today – and Republican politicians in particular.

What did Ms Rohe do? My gosh, she had the gall to actually exercise her rights as an American citizen and speak truth to power – she caused one of our isolated, out of touch politicians to actually hear what a real American citizen thinks. She's not a palm greaser like most of McCain's associates – she is a young citizen who cares deeply about the phoniness of American politics and one who decries the lies told, the lives lost needlessly, and the uncaring use of people as cannon fodder to wage a war of choice.

John McCain is a courageous man, his experiences as a Vietnam POW, and the hardships he suffered are quite remarkable. That he survived the conditions encountered and then could forge an admirable career in politics is truly amazing. His actions during imprisonment were honorable and are emblematic of what each American believes a patriot would do. Bravo to Mr. McCain for that.

Mr. Salter is just another arrogant, amoral inhabitant of what once was the Republican Party. Salter feels that McCain did not receive the proper level of respect that he deserves. By “respect” he apparently means that everyone did not sit there meekly, adoringly, obsequiously, and that they did not hang on every word uttered by All Mighty John. He compares Ms. Rohe and the students at the New School with those at Liberty University. The Liberty University audience was just the type of crowd that Mr. Salter likes – quiet, obedient, unquestioning, and listening robotically. This is what passes for public discourse in American politics nowadays – no answers, no debate, no questions, no truth – why it's much too hard to justify one's actions and positions to the electorate, so let's not. Duck, evade, run – that's the game being played.

Mr. Salter then goes on to insult young Ms. Rohe's integrity and intelligence stating:

“It took no courage to do what you did, Ms. Rohe. It was an act of vanity and nothing more....What, pray tell, have you risked? The only person you have succeeded in making look like an idiot is yourself.....Well, Ms. Rohe, and your fellow graduate's comical self-importance deserves a rebuke far stronger than the gentle suggestions he offered you......you might look back on the day of your graduation and your discourtesy to a good and honest man with a little shame and the certain knowledge that it very unlikely any of you will ever posses the one small fraction of the character of John McCain”.

Apparently Mr. Salter likes to think of himself as a big tough guy, beating up a young girl. By his comments, he reveals he's a cur – not a man. Ms. Rohe demonstrated courage – Mr. Salter demonstrated the abusiveness of weaklings. His co-writing of a book with Senator McCain titled 'Character is Destiny' must have slipped his mind. Rather than defending the honor of John McCain, he has besmirched him by association and he has damaged himself far more.
Posted on The Human Stain


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